September 30, 2023

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Revision as of 10:03, 30 September 2023 by Skorodum (talk | contribs)
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RC Meeting Information

Current RC: Iuliia Skorodumina

No RC meeting today

Useful Links


We started Friday Day shift (09/29) in Controlled access to repair dead NPS channels. The repair was completed around 11 am and now both problematic channels are fixed ( Then we proceeded to our last elastic setting.

There wasn't much beam during the rest of the Friday Day shift ( During the Swing shift the beam was unstable, too ( The accelerator is still unable to deliver beam to Hall A without tripping BLMs. Delivery to Hall C is fine, but the troubleshooting of Hall A is impeding delivery to us (see and

At about 4am MCC gave up delivering to Hall A and we got stable beam towards the rest of the Owl shift ( We were able to complete the last elastic setting at around 9am and now changing configuration to proceed to optics measurement.

The accelerator plans to continue troubleshooting issues with the beam delivery to Hall A and puts it as the highest priority for now. For this reason, it is unlikely that we can expect stable beam over the weekend.

There will be no RC meetings over the weekend.

Run plan

The run plan is available here:

Accelerator status

The accelerator plans to continue troubleshooting issues with the beam delivery to Hall A and puts it as the highest priority for now. Stable beamdelivery to Hall C over the weekend is unlikely.