NPS Significant Events

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Revision as of 14:09, 13 February 2024 by Jroche (talk | contribs)
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February 13 owl shift: VTP stuck from run 4374 to 4384. February 12 day (around 2 pm): the base for pmt 620 goes bad.

Jan 29 to January 31: FADC for channel 592 was stuck:

Dec 10, 2023: 11:19, run 3510 HMS Dipole & Q3 tripped. Magnet recovery did not take magnets to MOL. Runs 3511, 3512 possibly affected (optics) before magnets re-ramped to MOL

Dec 9: 4-Pass Separation failure

Dec 8, 15:00 - 17:10 NPS Sweep off for access. Failed to turn back on until 17:10. Run # 3463, 3464 had Sweep Off (LD2 production KinC_x50_2)

December 4 to December 6, 2023: No gas in the HMS drift chambers.Tracking efficiency plot

November 1, 2023: Install Poly shielding on the side of the calorimeter