July 31 2024

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Revision as of 16:13, 31 July 2024 by Hanjie (Talk | contribs) (Notes)

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Back to Main Page >> Weekly meetings


  • Around table updates
  • Florain -- cable layout [1]
  • Hanjie -- FADC firmware compare [2]


  • General updates:
    • Hall C NFS server "cdaqfs1" is replaced by a new NFS server "cdaqfs"
    • Hall C local software are installed at /net/cdaqfs/apps
    • Pre-shower is cabled, and related trigger checked except 3/4 trigger
    • Next is to do Drift Chamber cabling --> question about the short cables to chain TDC modules
    • vmeDSC module address issue is solved
    • All HV crates are upgrade except Moller polarimeter HV
    • Bob is preparing hcvme06
  • To do:
    • Check if we have all the hardware that's needed