Set up LAD test stand at the ESB

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Revision as of 11:45, 13 August 2024 by Hanjie (Talk | contribs) (set up CODA)

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Hardware list

  • One VXS crate (belong to SOLID)
  • One NIM crate (from GEN)
  • ROC: genrp-roc01
  • One FADC (from NPS)
  • One SD (from Alex)
  • One TI (from Bob)

set up CODA

  • The network is under "Hall A development"
  • Use computer named "hcdaq5"
  • At coda@hcdaq5, copy coda 3.10_devel from adaqfs:
scp -r adaq@adaq1:/adaqfs/home/sbs-onl/coda/3.10_devel_patched /home/coda/coda/

and create a soft link:

ln -s /home/coda/coda/3.10_devel_patched /home/coda/coda/3.10_devel

So, "genrp-roc01" and "coda@hcdaq5" are using the same coda package.

  • Create a shell script to set up the CODA ENV variables for LAD test stand: /home/coda/

Set up the ROC

  • Log into the roc: ssh sbs-onl@genrp-roc01
  • Create a directory for LAD: ESB_LAD_TD/
  • Copy the existing rol:
scp -r rol ESB_LAD_TD/