Setting up SIMC

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Setting up SIMC

Git suff

  1. Generate ssh key if you do not have one.
    1. ssh-keygen -t rsa ( when prompted for pass phrase just hit return )
    2. ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa (Note: I got an error message when I tried this on the ifarm machines, but it seemed to have worked anyway.)
  2. Put ssh public key on Github
    1. Open the "Settings" in the pull down menu on the extreme right.
    2. Go to "SSH and GPG keys"
    3. Click on "new ssh key" button. At terminal type "more ~/.ssh/". Copy the code and paste into github.
  • On the computer that you plan to run and develop the analyzer, type either:

  1. git clone
    where GitHub-Username is the name of the account that you created.

  2. git clone
    where GitHub-Username is the name of the account that you created.
  3. Note: I suggest doing this in your personal directory on the r-sidis group disk: /group/c-rsidis/My-Username
  4. On cdaq machines you must use https.
  5. Do
    cd simc_gfortran
  6. Do
    git remote -v and it should return ( could be
    origin (fetch)
    origin (pull)
  7. Execute the command
    git remote add --track master upstream
    git remote add --track master upstream
    This will be needed to keep your forked copy and local machine copy of the code up to date with the main development repository.
  8. If the master branch on the main repository ( your "upstream" repository) changes and you want to incorporate these changes in your local copy then follow these steps:
  git fetch upstream
  git merge upstream/master
  git push origin master

Compiling and configuring

  • To compile simc on the ifarm machines, simply type make in the simc_gfortran directory
  • There are "helper" applications in the util subdirectory that convert the simc output to PAW ntuples or ROOT trees. I'm assuming everyone would rather use ROOT trees.
    • Go to the util/root_tree subdirectory and type make
    • Note that the "make_root_tree" application uses ROOT version 6.30.04 when compiling. If you load a different version when you log into ifarm, this may cause problems.
  • The worksim subdirectory of the simc_gfortran directory will be the destination for the sometimes large output ROOT trees. The group disk is not meant for large files, so I suggest making a worksim directory on the work disk, and making a symlink. In the simc_gfortran directory:
    • Remove your existing (local) worksim directory: rm -r worksim
    • Then make a worksim directory on the work disk: mkdir /work/hallc/c-rsidis/My-Username/simc_worksim
    • Make a symbolic link to that directory: ln -s /work/hallc/c-rsidis/My-Username/simc_worksim worksim