SHMS Heavy Gas Cerenkov
From HallCWiki
Jump to navigationJump to searchThis wiki serves as a reference page outlining useful details regarding the SHMS heavy gas Cherenkov detector
Useful Links
Gas System
- - CAD drawing from standard equipment manual
- 2014 JINST 9 P07012 - Optical characterization of RTV615 silicone rubber compound, W. Li, G.M. Huber
Technical Documents
- HGC Update - Dec/17 Run - Preliminary analysis of HGC performance during Dec 2017 commissioning run
- HGC Detector Checkout Plan - Technical document outlining the initial detector checkout plan (primarily gain matching)
- HGC Detector Calibration Plan - Technical document outlining the plan for the initial check-out and calibration steps for the HGC detector for the first year of operation
- Simulations for pi/K Separation - Technical document on projected pi/K separation characteristics from Geant4 simulations when the HGC is filled with Freon
- Simulations for e/pi Separation - Technical document on projected pi/K separation characteristics from Geant4 simulations when the HGC is filled with CO2
- Mirror Reflectivity Test Results - Technical document detailing UV optical reflectivity characteristics of HGC mirrors
- Performance Testing of HGC PMT's - Technical document outline the performance of the 5 inch PMTs in the HGC readout
- Hamamatsu R1584 PMT Modifications - Technical document outlining modifications made to Hamamatsu bases used in HGC
- Coupling tests for 5" PMT - Technical document outlining coupling of 5" PMTs to Quartz Windows used in HGC
- Final_drawings.tar.gz - Final version of HGC vessel construction drawings, July 2013
Log Book Entries
- HGC PMT Settings Logbook entry from Garth regarding the initial detector checkout
Masters/PhD Theses
- Wenliang Li, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Regina, 2012 - Heavy Gas Cherenkov Detector Construction for Hall C at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility