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Revision as of 13:22, 13 February 2015 by Jones (talk | contribs) (→12 GeV Software Review meeting Feb 2015)
12 GeV Software Review meeting Feb 2015
- Hall C talks at review : Morning overview, "Deep Dive" talk
- Meeting to review talks, a "dry run", will be Feb 4th at 3:30-5:30 in L102. Link to wiki with talks and bluejeans info
- Meeting to be held Feb 10-11 at JLab. Agenda
- Link to Indico webpage for the "12 GeV Software Review".
- Committee Charge
12 GeV Software Review meeting Nov 2013
- Final report of the 12 GeV Software review.
- Morning talk by Mark Jones.
- Afternoon talk by Gabi Niculescu.
- Afternoon talk by Ed Brash.
12 GeV software meeting Nov 2012
- Presentation by Hall C.
12 GeV software review in June 2012
- Final report of the 12 GeV Software review.
- Agenda for the 12 GeV software review.
- Research Management Plan for Hall C 12 GeV Software
- Call in and EVO infomation
Title: JLab Software Review Preparations Password: 135711 Phone Bridge ID: 526 2531 Password: 4565 USA Phone num.: +1 626 395 2112 Call in by ESNet at +1 866-740-1260 (passcode number is 8542553)
- Charge of the committee.
- Current working drafts of morning and afternoon talks and backup material for June 2012 software review.
- Updated Morning Session 1 May 22nd (Updated Morning Session 1 May 15th, Old Morning Session 1) for Steve Wood's section of morning talk
- Updated Morning Session 2 May 27th (Old Morning Session 2) for Mark Jones' section of the morning talk.
- Updated Afternoon Session May 25th (Old version May 10, 2012) Includes SIMC material from JRA.
- DAQ Summary (May 11, 2012) from Brad Sawatzky
- SIMC overview - Possible backup material
- Miscellaneous stuff that might be useful. (Charge, Steve's software slides from January Meeting)
- All hall Documents for planning for a JLab softwrae readiness review