Hall C Network

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The Hall C DAQ/Controls network is The computers and devices on this subnet are in the counting house and in the Hall. The Gzero Network also has devices in the Hall and in the G0 Cage.

The Hall C network supports DHCP. If you wish to attach a device with a fixed address and name, please contact Stephen Wood. The network addresses below are all of the form 129.57.168.x, where x is the number in the tables below.

Network Ranges

Range Use
10 - 100 Workstations, PC's, Printers, etc.
101 - 199 Single board computers (VME, fastbus)
231 - 240 Wireless and DHCP
241 - 255 Terminal servers

Individual address assignments

Use Num Hostname Comment
    UP 1 168-Gateway Hall C Router
3 hallc-tunnel-canary
4 hallc-cr-canary
    UP 10 cdaqfs Hall C Fileserver ("6 GeV" hardware)
    UP 11 cdaqfs1 Hall C Fileserver (new hardware for 12 GeV running)
14 cdaqs2.jlab.org Sun
15 cdaqs1.jlab.org Sun
16 cdaqs3.jlab.org Sun
18 hcdaq3.jlab.org (temporary) DAQ machine in SHMS hut
21 jeffylab.jlab.org (eth0:2 on cdaql3; target EPICS archiver URL uses this name)
Counting House Desktops
    UP 31 hcdesk1.jlab.org Hall C desktop workstation
    UP 32 hcdesk2.jlab.org Hall C desktop workstation
    UP 33 hcdesk3.jlab.org Hall C desktop workstation
    UP 34 hcdesk4.jlab.org Hall C desktop workstation
Level 1 CUE Servers
    UP 41 cdaql1 (RHEL6/x86_64)
    UP 42 cdaql2 (RHEL6/x86_64)
    UP 43 cdaql3 (RHEL5/x86_32)
    UP 44 cdaql4 (RHEL5/x86_32)
    UP 45 cdaql5 (RHEL5/x86_32) Moller DAQ host
    UP 48 cvideo1 linux box that handles video capture
    UP 49 cvideo2 linux box that handles big screen displays
51 chc1hp.jlab.org
53 chchp2.jlab.org
Other PCs
61 qweakl1.jlab.org Qweak Cage (old gzero)
63 qweakl3.jlab.org Qweak Cage (old gzerol3)
Reserved for QWeak 71-99
71 qwvme1.jlab.org Qweak ROC 1, QwCage (2nd floor), Beamline
72 qwvme2.jlab.org Qweak ROC 2, QwCage (2nd floor), Main Detector
73 qwvme3.jlab.org Qweak ROC 3, QwCage (2nd floor), GWU Crate
74 qwvme4.jlab.org Qweak ROC 4 , QwCage (2nd floor)
79 qwvme9.jlab.org Qweak ROC 9, QwDoghouse, 9 F1TDCs, PKG 1
80 qwvme10.jlab.org Qweak ROC 10, QwDoghouse, 9 F1TDCs, PKG 2
81 qwvme11.jlab.org Qweak ROC 11, QwDoghouse, V1495 (GEM)
91 qwgemgumstix.jlab.org embedded Linux, Controller for GEM, QwDoghouse, V1495 (GEM)
92 qwgemrotator.jlab.org Windows XP, Controller for GEM rotator, QwDoghouse
    UP 93 hccaen13.jlab.org CAEN SY4527 HV Crate 13 (CH rack)
    UP 94 hccaen14.jlab.org CAEN SY4527 HV Crate 14 (G0 cage, 2nd floor CH)
PXE Boot CPU's (Read Out Controllers / ROCs) 100-110 [boot:cdaql3:linux-diskless/pxelinux.0]
    UP 101 hcvme01.jlab.org HMS ROC (Counting House; CH03B04)
    UP 102 hcvme02.jlab.org SHMS ROC (Counting House; CH03B05)
103 vmec3.jlab.org
104 vmec4.jlab.org TS0
105 vmec5.jlab.org ROC5
106 vmec6.jlab.org SOS HV IOC
107 vmec7.jlab.org
108 vmec8.jlab.org DAQ for Moller
109 vmec9.jlab.org
110 vmec10.jlab.org AKA iochc10, Slow control for Moller
111 vmec11.jlab.org
112 vmec12.jlab.org
113 vmec13.jlab.org
114 vmec14.jlab.org
    UP 115 vmec15.jlab.org BCM IOC ???
116 vmec16.jlab.org
117 vmec17.jlab.org
118 vmec18.jlab.org hcreboot15.jlab.org (2), hctsv7 2003
119 vmec19.jlab.org hcreboot1.jlab.org (7), hctsv5 2004
120 vmec20.jlab.org HMS HV IOC
    UP 121 hccam01.jlab.org Hall Camera, beam left
    UP 122 hccam02.jlab.org Hall Camera, over entrance
123 tsgep3.jlab.org TS1 GEp Trigger Supervisor
    UP 124 hccam03.jlab.org Hall Camera, beam right
131 vmeregion3
Crates / Power Strips / Misc
    UP 141 hccrate01 HMS VME64x Crate (CH03B04)
    UP 142 hccrate02 SHMS VME64x Crate (CH03B05)
    UP 143 hccrate03 HMS VME64x Crate (HMS Detector Hut)
    UP 144 hccrate04 SHMS VME64x Crate (SHMS electronics hut)
145 hcreboot1.jlab.org APC Power Strip (Hall C Network Switch, QTor)
146 hcreboot12.jlab.org APC Power Strip
147 qwpowerstrip3.jlab.org APC Power Strip (QwDoghouse)
148 hcreboot14.jlab.org APC Power Strip - (QwCage, for Trigger Supervisor)
149 hcreboot15.jlab.org APC Power Strip (QwDoghouse)
150 hcreboot16.jlab.org APC Power Strip (Qweak Region 3 Rotator)
    UP 151 hcscope01.jlab.org Oscilloscope
152 Oscilloscope
153 qwpowerstrip1.jlab.org APC Power Strip for ROC9 (QwDoghouse)
154 qwpowerstrip2.jlab.org APC Power Strip for ROC10 (QwDoghouse)
155 hcreboot17.jlab.org APC Power Strip for Region 1 PowerSupply (under Region 1?)
156 hcreboot18.jlab.org APC Power Strip for ROC1 (Parity)
157 hcreboot19.jlab.org APC Power Strip for ROC2 (Parity)
Reserved for Compton 161-170
161 ccomptvme1.jlab.org Compton DAQ
162 ccomptvme2.jlab.org Compton DAQ
163 cpslow.jlab.org Compton Slow Controls PC (Windows XP, in the tunnel)
164 ccomptl1.jlab.org -- Dead Compton Workstation (Counting house)
165 ccomptl2.jlab.org -- Dead Compton Workstation (Counting house)
    UP 166 ccompt1.jlab.org Compton Rackmount Workstation (Counting house)
167 cpslow1.jlab.org (presently: Compton Slow Controls PC (Windows 7, in the tunnel)
170 ccomptvme0.jlab.org Compton DAQ Trigger Supervisor
171 opti1.jlab.org Reset
172 opti2.jlab.org Reset
    UP 173 hccaen1.jlab.org New CAEN Mainframe
174 opti3.jlab.org Reset
175 poltargpib.jlab.org
    UP 177 hcrpi01.jlab.org Temperature and Humidity monitor, G0 cage
    UP 179 hcups1.jlab.org Liebert GXT UPS (CH Machine Room, upper UPS)
180 hccaen2.jlab.org New CAEN Mainframe
Read Out Controllers (ROCs)
181 sfich1.jlab.org
182 sfich2.jlab.org
183 sfihms.jlab.org
184 sfisos.jlab.org
186 sfich3.jlab.org
187 sfihks.jlab.org ROC7 HKS Wire chambers
188 sfihes.jlab.org ROC11 HES Wire chambers
214 cmagnets.jlab.org SHMS/HMS Magnet controls GUI (VM)
217 Temp use by Josh
218 Temp use by Compton Laser jocks
219 Temp use by Compton Laser jocks
230 hallc-ap1 Access point?
232 hallcsc-1
233 hallcsc-2
234 hallcsc-3
235 hallcsc-4
236 hallcsc-5
237 hallcsc-6
238 hallcsc-7
239 hallcsc-8
232-239 DHCP range (wired or wireless)
Terminal Servers
241 hctsv1 8 V00322020 F4-14081
242 hctsv2 QwCage : 8 V00322036 F4-14078
243 hctsv3 8 V00322018 F4-14080
    UP 244 hctsv4 16 V00324528 F4-14066
    UP 245 hctsv5 16 V00324523 F4-14067
    UP 246 hctsv6
247 hctsv7 QwDoghouse
248 hctsv8 16 V03878724 F4-14816 G0 area hctsv9 ?? (Steve Wood; note the 36 subnet)
250 hctsv10
251 hctsv11 QwDoghouse
    UP 252 hctsv12

Miscellaneous address assignments

Use IP Addr Hostname Comment
Hall C Gas Shed Accelerator subnet hctsvgs 4-port Portserver nbhc1 4-port Portserver for MFC readout iochcgs Gas Shed IOC (0979 ADC, 0922 Relay board, 0943 Digital IO)
Reboot via JTabs->Control System->Individual IOCs
or search for ioc name using JTabs field in upper-right.
iossofthcgs (softIOC running on hlal01) Gas Shed IOC (Note: MFC readbacks through nbhc1)