Wednesday, May 31, 2017
From HallCWiki
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- Location CC L210A, 11 am
- DocDB
Blue Jeans Connection Information
- Just want to dial in on your phone?
- +1.408.740.7256 (US)
- +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
- +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
- Enter Meeting ID: 895800575
- Press #
- SHMS Drift Chamber Update - Deb
- Survey of HMS and SHMS spectrometers. Presently doing surveys to set the angle plates for the SHMS. Do we need surveys for the HMS plates?
- Commissioning plan updates from detector systems
- Status update from detector owners, calibrations, efficiencies, etc.
- Review systems owners and update information
- Address system specific points of interest for the Fall 2017 run
- Sam, a UVA undergraduate, will be working with Dave M. for the summer
Beam Line
- Dave G. reported that the SHMS angle plates were surveyed and aligned, see log entry SHMS angle scale adjusted and SHMS rotated to 7.5 degrees
- The SHMS was surveyed yesterday relative to the angle plate reading after movement
- The data has not been analyzed yet
- A systematic alignment and survey is currently set for the summer
12 GeV Drift Chambers
- The chambers currently reside in the ESB
- Readout ribbon cables have been fabricated, bundled, and labelled
- Nanometric discriminator cards have been installed in DC2
- Standalone cosmic DAQ is currently being assembled
- LV system is being configured and will be deployed later this week
- HV has already been implemented
- Cosmic test stand setup is in place
- Recently integrated into the Hall C DAQ, see Brad's E-Log entry
- Current efforts are focused on modifying the online analyzer to be able to read the data in the Hall C CODA format
Drift Chambers
- Deb showed some slides regarding the correlation of drift time spectra and cathode voltage
- The spare chamber, currently in the TEDF high bay clean room, should be ready by next week