Summer 2017 Analysis Workshop
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- The purpose of the Summer 2017 Analysis workshop is to provide a setting in which users will have an opportunity to learn the details of the Hall A & C Analyzers
- The sessions will be interleaved with Hall A, therefore they will be as generalized as possible
- All sessions will be recorded on BlueJeans and posted to the wiki page of future reference
- Each session will contain exercises that will also serve as homework
- A wiki will be made afterwords which contains the solutions to the exercises
Hall A & C Data Analysis Workshop, June 26-27, 2017
- (*) indicates a talk with interactive tutorial
Agenda: Monday, June 26, 2017
- 9:00 Introduction to the Hall A/C Analyzers (180) --- Chair: ?
- 9:00 Welcome (15) --- Instructions for setting up the interactive tutorials --- Ole Hansen & Eric Pooser
- 9:15 Session 1a (90) --- Hall A Analyzer Introduction and Interactive Tutorial --- Ole Hansen
- 10:45 Break (15)
- 11:00 Session 1b (60) --- Hall C Analyzer Introcduction and Interactive Tutorial --- Eric Pooser
- 12:00 Lunch (60)
- 13:00 Calibrations (240) --- Chair: ?
- 13:00 Session 1c (15) --- Using Git & GitHub for sharing code & scripts --- Steve Wood
- 13:15 Session 2a (30) --- Hall A VDCs --- TBD
- 13:45 Session 2b (30) --- Hall C Drift Chambers --- Carlos Yero
- 14:15 Session 2c (30) --- Hall C Hodoscopes --- Kayla Craycraft
- 14:45 Session 2d (30) --- Hall C Cherenkovs --- Ryan Ambrose
- 15:15 Session 2e (30) --- Hall C Shower --- Vardan Tadevosyan
- 15:45 Break (15)
- 16:00 Session (3a) (15) --- Gas target background subtraction --- Shujie Li
- 16:15 Session (3b) (45) --- Hall A optics calibrations --- Tong Su
- 17:00 Adjourn
Agenda: Tuesday, June 27, 2017
- 9:00 Simulations (240) --- Chair: ?
- 9:00 Welcome (15) --- Instructions for setting up interactive tutorials --- Ole Hansen & Eric Pooser
- 9:15 Session 4a (90) --- Simulation Software Overview and Exercises --- Dave Gaskell
- 10:45 Break (15)
- 11:00 Session 4a (cont) (30) --- Simulation Software Overview and Exercises --- Dave Gaskell
- 11:30 Session 4b (30) --- G4MC, A Geant4 program for Hall A/C experiments --- Jixie Zhang
- 12:00 Lunch (60)
- 13:00 Radiative Corrections & Cross Sections (150) --- Chair: ?
- 13:00 Session 5a (30) --- Radiative Corrections for Newbies: An introduction to the basics --- Hanjie Lui
- 13:30 Session 5b (120) --- Cross sections --- Eric Christy
- 15:30 Break (15)
- 15:45 General Topics (75)
- 15:45 Session 6a (45) --- ROOT Tips & Tricks --- Ole Hansen
- 16:30 Session 6b (30) --- Introduction to the JLab Scientific Computing Resources ---TBD
- 17:00 Adjourn