Wednesday, July 26, 2017
From HallCWiki
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- Location CC L210A, 11 am
- DocDB
Blue Jeans Connection Information
- Just want to dial in on your phone?
- +1.408.740.7256 (US)
- +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
- +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
- Enter Meeting ID: 895800575
- Press #
- Commissioning plan updates from detector systems
- Status update from detector owners, calibrations, efficiencies, etc.
- SHMS Pre-Shower signal equalization -- Vardan
- DAQ deadtime study -- Ahmed
- Gas Cherenkov Calibration Update -- Ryan
- SHMS Q2 Measurement Update -- Sam
- Review systems owners and update information
- Address system specific points of interest for the Fall 2017 run
- Brad mentioned that on Tuesday of next week (8/1) a transformer will be shut down which will effect the counting house are assuming the generator works although that is not a certainty…be prepared
- SHSM DC gas system is on the fritz due to a low pressure interlock, see Jack's logbook entry
- Gas is flowing but it is not smooth
- Bottom line do not turn of the chamber HV
- Ahmed showed some slides
- He has been working on measuring the DAQ dead time
- There are some spurious events however they are negligible
- Spurious channels have been identified which is a valuable asset of the EDTM system
- The live time measurements are not yet understood however the data is in its infancy
- Maybe some issues with the OR between the random pulser and the clock pulser
12 GeV Drift Chambers
- HMS DC1 is undergoing an efficiency study
- Should be done by the end of the week
- DC2 will be looked once the work on DC1 is complete
- Latif reported on the GEM
- They have a temporary HV power supply which has been installed in the hut
- He is working on the decoding portion of the GEM readout system so that it can be integrated into HCANA
- It was suggested that we should focus on software instead of hardware at the moment
- Simona reported on the SHMS hodoscope
- Quartz bars have been removed from the frame
- Cookie making procedure is currently being developed
- The 3rd plane went back in the stack in the morning, it should be cabled by tomorrow
- The UK factory shipped the bases yesterday however the PMT ship date is unknown
- Carl Z. Is prepared to make the QE measurements, will need 5 days max to test all the PMTs
- Optimistically it should take 7 days to test the PMTs prior to being installed
Heavy Gas Cherenkov
- Ryan showed some slides
- The large peak at channel 100 persists regardless of fiducial cuts
- Logic does not support this peak
- He has been working on calculating the efficiency with results which are not yet understood
- Due to a bug in the calorimeter calibration this run for calculating efficiencies is not ideal, new calibration constants for the calorimeter to come
- Vardan showed his logbook entry
- Cosmic test run checked aerogel and pre-shower (SHMS)
- The aim was to equalize the MIP response in the pre-shower plane
- HV from KPP runs were utilized
- Used parameter from photonis specs to convert adc->HV
- Result: procedure looks good with relatively consistent ADC response
- Sam showed some slides
- He and Dave have been working on studying the linearity of Q2
- They concluded there is very short settling time, reproducibility is excellent, and cross talk b/w Q2 and Q3 is negligible
- Bad news: large asymmetry between positive and negative polarity
- The hypothesis is that the hall probes may swapped or polarities may be swapped