Hallc soft:synopsis

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Hall C Software Synopsis

The original Hall C analysis software (called engine) was written (in the mid- nineties) primarily in Fortran, with some C code added, and at least one function in C++.

NOTE: This is information is current as of Winter 2010.

Under the main directory Analysis there are 23 sub-directories and one Makefile (the general makefile for the whole package): <syntaxhigtlight language="Fortran"> BTRACKING, CODA, CTP, CVS, CVSROOT, ENGINE, ESCAN, etc, EXE, F1TRIGGER, HACK, HTRACKING, INCLUDE, Makefile, ONEEV, ONLINE, PORT, SANE SEM, STRACKING, SYNCFILTER, T20, TRACKING, UTILSUBS </syntaxhighlight>

These sub-directories:

  • contain code pertaining to a particular part of the analysis (i.e. TRACKING, SYNCFILTER) or
  • they are specific for a large installation detector (SANE, T20) or
  • deal with CVS bookkeeping.

We shall examine each one of them in turn.

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