Polarized He-3 Proposals

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E12-06-110 (A1n)

Measurement of the neutron spin asymmetry A1n in the valence quark region using a 11 GeV beam and a polarized 3He target in Hall C

  • E12-06-110 (A1n) proposal for PAC30 - detailed physics motivation and rates/uncertainties assuming the 6 GeV polarized 3He target performance
  • E12-06-110 (A1n) Update for PAC36 - in this update we used the stage-II target upgrade performance - approved for 36 PAC days
  • 2018 Update -- in this update we summarize the rate and uncertainty estimation using the stage-I polarized 3He target and with the latest SHMS simulation, while keeping the total approved beam time unchanged.

E12-06-121 (d2n-g2n)