KAON-LT specific intructions
Rates: • Single particle and coincidence rates have been estimated for all runs. Watch the scintillator rates (S1 and 3/4 planes) for each spectrometer for an indication of the particle rate through the wire chambers, and if actual rate is substantially (> 50%) higher than what is listed in the run plan, the RC should be warned. • We want to keep the particle rate in each spectrometer below 650 kHz, and for some low energy runs this will require the beam current to be reduced from the nominal 70 μA value. • For some low rate runs, it may be possible to use up to 100 μA beam with particle rates still below 350 kHz. Consult with the RC before requesting a higher beam current. • The prescaler values in the run plan are a guide. Adjust them to keep the singles data rate in each spectrometer between ∼100-150 Hz. • All run times assume 100% running efficiency. Adjust the time for actual delivered beam time, and let the RC know if the efficiency drops below 60% for an extended period.