SHMS Single arm Monte Carlo

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Revision as of 10:51, 12 March 2012 by Jones (Talk | contribs) (Source code)

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Source code

Comments on code

  • Designed to be used for studying optics and acceptance of the SHMS.
  • Materials hit when multiple scattering flag turned on.
    • Target
      • When target length greater than 3cm, assumes a beer can target with diameter of 3.37cm and wall thickness of 0.005 inches
      • Need to enter the radiation length of target material in the input file.
    • Scattering chamber window is 0.016inches of aluminum
    • 15 cm of air between scattering chamber and snout. Since snout is not designed this is a guess.
    • SHMS entrance window is 0.020 inches of aluminum.
    • SHMS exit window is 0.020 inches of aluminum.
    • Three options for after the SHMS exit window
      • Argon/Neon Cerenkov. Set the cer_flag=1 ( line 22 in input file). The vac_flag ( line 23 in input file) is ignored.
      • Helium bag replaces the Argon/Neon Cerenkov. This is the assumed mode of option at low momentum. Set the cer_flag=0 ( line 22 in input file) and set the vac_flag=0 ( line 23 in input file).
      • For study, vacuum pipe replaces the Argon/Neon Cerenkov. Set the cer_flag=0 ( line 22 in input file) and set the vac_flag=1 ( line 23 in input file).