RC Meeting, Thursday, August 23

From HallCWiki
Revision as of 13:14, 23 August 2018 by Gaskelld (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* '''General''' ** Beamline vacuum still not great ** Beam likely not ready to send to hall until Friday ** LN2 vendor has supply issues - JLab usually gets 2 trucks/day - ven...")
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  • General
    • Beamline vacuum still not great
    • Beam likely not ready to send to hall until Friday
    • LN2 vendor has supply issues - JLab usually gets 2 trucks/day - vendor can only provide 1 truck/day. Alternate supplies under investigation.

  • Target
    • Target warmed up due to LN2 issue
    • Target cooldown??
  • SHMS
    • After beampipe adjusted, SHMS rotated to 5.69 degrees, but SHMS touched beampipe
    • Minimum safe angle will be 6 degrees
    • Remote motion control allowed down to 7 degrees - for angles below 7 degrees, all motion will be disabled once set (this includes HMS!). Any rotation after will require access
  • HMS
    • After beampipe adjusted, and some modification to cable conduit, able to rotate to about 10.9 degrees. Minimum angle will be 11 degrees. Remote motion allowed down to 12.75 degrees
    • Minimum separation between SHMS and HMS 21.5 degrees

  • DAQ