Experts on call
From HallCWiki
On call Experts
- Before contacting any on-call experts, shift workers should consult the Run Coordinator 270-8916
Hall C Run Coordinator
- 270-8916
Hall C Work Coordinator
- Walter Kellner: 592-1527
Hall C Technical on call
- 256-2776 or 593-7890
- Use for issues related to HMS/SHMS magnets, power supplies, rotation or other hall infrastructure
- If no response to first call:
- Wait 10 minutes
- Call again - leave voicemail if no pickup
- Wait 10 minutes
- If no response, call RC for relevant secondary contact information
- Mark Jones: 206-7702
- Bill Gunning: 879-2420 or 269-5017
- Dave Gaskell: 719-5482
Unser, BCM
- Dave Mack: 269-7442
Beam Energy Measurement
- Mark Jones: 206-7702
- Dave Mack: 269-7442
- Target on call: (757) 218-0071
Online/offline analysis
- Eric Pooser: 352-283-6257
DAQ, Trigger
- Eric Pooser: 352-283-6257
- Brad Sawatzky: 344-2494
High Voltage
- Steve Wood: 593-6656
SHMS Detectors
- Simona Malace: 869-3131
Drift Chambers
- Eric Christy: 725-2685
- Deb Biswas: 503-9499
- Howard Fenker: 849-2587
Noble Gas Cherenkov
- Brad Sawatzky (gas system): 344-2494
- Donal Day: 434-249-0241
Heavy Gas Cherenkov
- Brad Sawatzky (gas system): 344-2494
- Garth Huber:
- Vladimir Berdnikov: 757-269-6928 (office), 757-277-8135 (cell)
- Hamlet Mkrtchyan: 7741 (
- Arshak Asaturyan: 757-541-8040
- Hamlet Mkrtchyan: 7741 (
- Arshak Asaturyan: 757-541-8040
HMS Detectors
- Simona Malace: 869-3131
Drift Chambers
- Howard Fenker: 849-2587
- Brad Sawatzky: 344-2494
- Liguang Tang:
Gas Cherenkov
- Howard Fenker: 849-2587
- Brad Sawatzky (gas system): 344-2494
- Hamlet Mkrtchyan: 7741 (
- Arshak Asaturyan: 757-541-8040