RC Meeting and Runplan, Friday, Sept 28

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Revision as of 15:06, 28 September 2018 by Jones (talk | contribs)
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  • Status
    • Yesterday the HMS quad work was completed by about 1pm and we started the optics study of HMS/SHMS at high momentum.
    • Beam was bad until around 6pm when MCC had solved the problem of the many trips coming from Hall B beam.
    • When changing to set the HMS at 6 GeV , The HMS Q3 would not stay at a given set current. This put into doubt the the higher momentum HMS optics data (taken at 6.6 and 6.3).
    • MCC was able to deliver up to 60uA on the owl shift. Given problem with HMS, decided to do the BCM which was completed. After BCM data was taken , then continued with the SHMS optics which was completed.
    • The Hall went into controlled access around 8:30 for work on the HMS Q3. Found that the opto-isolator was not pushed in all the way.
    • Around 9:00, MCC started the pass change for Hall A.
    • Around noon, started to receive beam and restarted the optics study for HMS ( repeated some SHMS)
  • Issues
    • Steve Wood to comment on importance of watching closely the GUI and TV screen when moving spectrometers.
    • Changing the attenuator of the SHMS Cer sum that is used to monitor that leg of the trigger.