RC meeting and Run Plan, Thursday Oct. 18
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- Took RC phone over Sylvester around 2pm
- No beam till 16-20 due chopper RF problems
- "We didn`t fix it, problem just go away" ; 45uA to HallC (beam current limited by SHMS singles rate)
- 1 hour brake around 19-00 due some magnet problems in the machine
- Stop production run for kinematic Q2=5.5. W=3.02 x=0.40 theta_Shms=6.49 with ~43.7% stat goal
- Kinematic changed to Q2=5.5. W=3.02 x=0.40 theta_Shms=9.552 https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3611108
- Beam current 60uA for swing
- Smooth overnight production with beam current up to 70uA
- LH2 target event .https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3611416 . https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3611426
- Target changed to Dummy
- Kinematic changed to Q2=5.5. W=3.02 x=0.40 theta_Shms=12.565 https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3611515
- LH2 target restored https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3611488
- Continue production runs with beam current up to 80uA
- Beam not stable current reduced to 65 uA
- LH2 target boiling caused by hallA 15k He leakage event and will not affect hallC target anymore at least till Saturday day
- scifsgw10a:/lustre2 mount is having issues -- /cache, /volatile, /work are offline https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3611210
Planned access to the hall
- Monday October 22 8am controlled access for Dave Meekins deuterium target work
- Tuesday October 23 8am controlled access for SHMS aerogel exchange