HMS Single Arm Monte Carlo
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Source code
- Version control of mc_hms_single has moved from tarball to git. is used to store the code. (Useful git instructions/howto.)
- To checkout and contribute using github:
- Create an account on and following the directions for storing your public ssh key on the site.
- NOTE: The github instructions ask you to install a program called "xclip" to help upload your public key. This is unnecessary - you can just "click and paste".
- Once you have signed into github then go to
- Select Watch to be notified of changes to mc_hms_single repo and the click on the Fork button to create your own Github copy of the repo.
- On the computer that you want to run the code type: git clone where Githib-Username is your github username.
- Now "origin" remote is to your personal Github repository. After cloning you will be in the "master" branch. Make your local changes and commit them to your local copy. You can update the github repository by command: git push origin master . If you want to have these changes incorporated into the JeffersonLab repository then go to your github account Githib-Username/mc_hms_single and click on the pull request button. This will notify the person monitoring the JeffersonLab repository and your changes can be pulled in.
- To have access to the changes in the JeffersonLab GutHub repository, in your newly created mc_shms_single directory
- One time need to execute the command: git remote add upstream
- The command git fetch upstream will fetch any new changes from the original repository
- The command git merge upstream/master will merge any changes fetched into your working files
- Create an account on and following the directions for storing your public ssh key on the site.
- When compiling code need on JLab ifarm machines need to do:"setup cernlib/2005" to set CERN_ROOT properly.
- To checkout and contribute using github:
- mc_hms_single Git repo on the web.