PionLT 2019 Physics Status

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Pion Electroproduction Physics Status at Ebeam = 2.758 GeV

Ebeam Item Current Status Comment
2.758 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0865 θ_SHMS=9.70 (Left-2) 70 uA DONE Total Pions 25275/23k (109%), Log Entry
2.758 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0865 θ_SHMS=7.70 (Left-1) 58 uA DONE Total Pions 26376/23k (114%), Log Entry
2.758 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0865 θ_SHMS=5.70 (Centre) 48 uA DONE Total Pions 23070/23k (100% ), Log Entry
2.758 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0865 TOTAL DONE
2.758 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 θ_SHMS=5.70 (Centre) 54 uA DONE Total Pions 19009/23k (83%), Log Entry
2.758 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 θ_SHMS=7.75 (Left-1) 64 uA DONE Total Pions 23218/23k (100%), Log Entry
2.758 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 θ_SHMS=9.75 (Left-2) 70 uA DONE Total Pions 27059/23k (117%), Log Entry
2.758 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 TOTAL DONE No dummy target data for centre setting

Pion Electroproduction Commissioning Status at Ebeam = 2.758 GeV

Ebeam Item Status Comment
2.758 GeV Beam Energy Arc Measurement DONE Log Entry Follow-up Entry Try #2 C Elastics
2.758 GeV Golden HMS/SHMS sieve run DONE Log Entry
2.758 GeV LH2 LumiScan DONE 20uA highest current point Log Entry
2.758 GeV Carbon LumiScan DONE Log Entry Log Entry to shift summary
2.758 GeV Heep Singles DONE 8482-8491, 8557-8567
2.758 GeV Heep Coin DONE 8548-8551

Pion Electroproduction Physics Status at Ebeam = 3.660 GeV

Ebeam Item Current Status Comment
3.660 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0865 θ_SHMS=5.75 (Right-2) 20 uA DONE Total Pions 160381/220k (72%), Log entry
3.660 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0868 θ_SHMS=6.87 (Right-1) 15 uA DONE Total Pions 153324/220k (69%), Log entry
3.660 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0865 θ_SHMS=8.87 (Centre) 20 uA DONE Total Pions 189157/220k (85%), Log entry
3.660 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0865 θ_SHMS=10.87 (Left-1) 10 uA DONE Total Pions 195220/220k (88%), Log entry
3.660 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0865 θ_SHMS=12.87 (Left-2) 15 uA DONE Total Pions 199332/220k (90%), Log entry
3.660 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0865 TOTAL DONE
3.660 GeV Q2=1.45 W=2.2 x=0.3118 θ_SHMS=11.76 (Right) 70 uA DONE Total Pions 25980/36k (72%), Log entry
3.660 GeV Q2=1.45 W=2.2 x=0.3118 θ_SHMS=13.76 (Centre) 25 uA DONE Total Pions 31823/36k (88%), Log entry
3.660 GeV Q2=1.45 W=2.2 x=0.3118 θ_SHMS=15.76 (Left) Various DONE Total Pions 31472/36k (87%), Log entry
3.660 GeV Q2=1.45 W=2.2 x=0.3118 TOTAL DONE
3.660 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 θ_SHMS=7.20 (Right) 23 uA SKIPPED Setting skipped due to time constraints
3.660 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 θ_SHMS=9.20 (Centre) 40-50 uA DONE Total Pions 235962/220k (107%), Log entry
3.660 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 θ_SHMS=11.20 (Left-1) 50 uA DONE Total Pions 176470/220k (80%), Log entry
3.660 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 θ_SHMS=13.20 (Left-2) 50-70 uA DONE Total Pions 78459/220k (35%), Log entry
3.660 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 TOTAL DONE θ_SHMS=7.20 (Right) setting skipped

Pion Electroproduction Commissioning Status at Ebeam = 3.660 GeV

Ebeam Item Status Comment
3.660 GeV Beam Energy Arc Measurement DONE Log Entry
3.660 GeV Heep Coin DONE Log Entry

Pion Electroproduction Physics Status at Ebeam = 4.562 GeV

Ebeam Item Current Status Comment
4.562 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0865 θ_SHMS=7.64 (Right) 13 uA DONE Total Pions 258445/390k (66%), Log entry
4.562 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0865 θ_SHMS=10.33 (centre) 20 uA DONE Total Pions 508095/390k (130%), Log entry
4.562 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0865 θ_SHMS=12.33 (Left-1) 19 uA DONE Total Pions 376969/390k (96%), Log entry
4.562 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0865 θ_SHMS=14.33 (Left-2) 25 uA DONE Total Pions 287572/390k (73%), Log entry
4.562 GeV Q2=0.375 W=2.2 x=0.0865 TOTAL DONE
4.562 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 θ_SHMS=6.86 (Right-2) 17 uA DONE Total Pions 286819/390k (73%), Log entry
4.562 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 θ_SHMS=8.08 (Right-1) 20 uA DONE Total Pions 315453/390k (80%), Log entry
4.562 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 θ_SHMS=10.08 (Centre) 20 uA DONE Total Pions 293650/390k (75%), Log entry
4.562 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 θ_SHMS=12.08 (Left-1) 24 uA DONE Total Pions 293366/390k (75%), Log entry
4.562 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 θ_SHMS=14.08 (Left-2) 25 uA DONE Total Pions 297152/390k (76%), Log entry
4.562 GeV Q2=0.425 W=2.2 x=0.0969 TOTAL DONE
4.562 GeV Q2=2.12 W=2.2 x=0.3896 θ_SHMS=13.14 (Right) 70 uA DONE Total Pions 40735/35k (116%), Log entry
4.562 GeV Q2=2.12 W=2.2 x=0.3896 θ_SHMS=15.14 (Centre) 70 uA DONE Total Pions 42891/35k (122%), Log entry
4.562 GeV Q2=2.12 W=2.2 x=0.3896 θ_SHMS=17.14 (Left) 70 uA DONE Total Pions 38846/35k (110%), Log entry
4.562 GeV Q2=2.12 W=2.2 x=0.3896 TOTAL DONE

Pion Electroproduction Commissioning Status at Ebeam = 4.562 GeV

Ebeam Item Status Comment
4.562 GeV Beam Energy Arc Measurement DONE Log Entry, Completed during VCS
4.562 GeV Heep Coin DONE 8776, 8777 & 8778