Sep 14, 2022
From HallCWiki
RC Meeting Information
RC Daily Meetings are at 11:00 (am) via Zoom and in person in the counting house meeting room (2nd floor)
- Zoom remote connection information:
Join ZoomGov Meeting Meeting ID: 160 710 0885 Passcode: 595071 One tap mobile +16692545252,,1607100885# US (San Jose) +16468287666,,1607100885# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose) +1 646 828 7666 US (New York) +1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose) +1 551 285 1373 US 833 568 8864 US Toll-free Meeting ID: 160 710 0885 Find your local number:
Useful Links
- Shift Signup (Read only)
- PionLT_2022_Physics_Status
- KaonLT Logbook - Used for PionLT updates too
- Physics analysis updates should be cross posted here
- Run Plans
- Hall-C Controls
- Hall-C Logbook
- MCC White Board
Current Status
- D. Meekins working on target ladder alignment
- Walter Kellner / Hall C techs working on downstream beam-line installation
- After work is done, S. Lassiter will need to do rotation certification before spectrometers can be rotated (before Friday afternoon)
- J. Beaufait will do Hall C walkthrough Friday @ 2:00 pm, afterwards, Hall C will be swept and go to beam permit.