Target Enclosure Work Checklist

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Please fill up this check list every time before close up for He3 enclosure.

   He3 Cell
       He3 Cell Status (integrity, color)
       5 RTDs on He3 Cell Target Chamber
       Check Oven Leak
   Reference Cell
       Reference Cell Status(integrity, color)
       3 RTDs on Ref Cell
   Beam Window
       Upstream Beam Window
       DownStream Beam Window
   Cooling Jets 
       ON/OFF, Direction Correct?
       Cables are still secured?
       No tools or unnecessary items left in chamber

After the work, put all enclosure panels back and tie down properly to ensure the interlocks are working (interlock cables need to be connected. Tape everywhere around the panels to ensure light-tight.

   Interlocks box 
       All lights green?
       No light leak around the enclosure (beam right/up/down/beam left)?
       No tools, metal items or other unnecessary items left around the enclosure area