February 22, 2024

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RC Meeting Information

RC Daily Meetings are at 11:00 (am) via Zoom and in person in the counting house meeting room (2nd floor)

Useful Links

Accelerator status

  • Beam off at 5am this morning; 1L24-7 HV drop. Beam back to Hall B, we are in controlled access since 8am.
  • Maintenance + Beam study next Wednesday

Current Run Plan

  • Continue run plan: https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Short_Term_Run-Plan
    • cycle KinC_x60_4a, KinC_x60_4b finished. Ran with a reduced plan for Swing and Owl.
    • Beam off 5:00 am this morning. Working on column 24 & 25 today.
    • Switch to KinC_x36_6 Friday morning. Starting with setting up the corrector coils. Test plan is added to the MCC shift plan.

Notices in Effect for Shift Crew

Current Issues

  • NPS crate #2 drops occasionally

Planned Access to the Hall

  • NPS column 24,25 refurbishment
  • Removing Pb shield
  • Heidi has a list of small items (opportunistic when there is a key available)
  • Daniel Moser will check one of the Moller quad
  • Checking the water flow rate issue of QF3M01 (https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4255237) -- completed, adjusted the flow meter.
  • Spectrometer rotation around 1:30pm, takes 0.5-1h if everything goes well

Special Requests

  • Guard house work from next Monday. Pay attention to the sign and follow the directions around there when coming to the accelerator site.