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Two newer coda utilities are evio2xml and xml2evio. The first will convert a binary CODA coda file into XML which can is easily readable, and could be processed by XML utilities. The second will convert a coda XML file back into the binary evio form. As well as using evio2xml to examine coda files, these utilities could be used to do event filtering, by using evio2xml to select certain events and then using xml2evio to convert the file back to the binary form that analysis software can read.


There is no known documentation for evio2xml, but evio2xml -h does give some usage information:


  evio2xml [-max max_event] [-pause] [-skip skip_event] [-dict dictfilename]
           [-ev evtag] [-noev evtag] [-frag frag] [-nofrag frag] [-max_depth max_depth]
           [-n8 n8] [-n16 n16] [-n32 n32] [-n64 n64]
           [-w8 w8] [-w16 w16] [-w32 w32] [-w64 w64]
           [-verbose] [-xtod] [-m main_tag] [-e event_tag]
           [-indent indent_size] [-no_typename] [-debug] filename

Some of the more useful switches are:

-max max_event
Analyze the first max_event events
-skip skip_event
Skip the first skip_event events
-ev evtag
Only output events of evtag event type. This switch can be repeated to output several different event types
-noev evtag
Output all events except those of evtag event type. Can repeat switch to exclude several different event types
-max_depth max_depth
Only parse sub banks to a depth of max_depth. Using 0 will output the raw event without any interpretation of bank structure.
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