Hall C Weekly Meeting - July 15, 2013
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- Techs are doing various jobs for Steve Lassiter
- Helping with controls
- Preparing SHMS conductor samples ans spools for shipment to France
- Ordering materials for the Anaconda repair
- The A-can tested out OK. It may be stung this week
- Mike Fowler - SOTR
- The contractor is making visible progress in assembling the SHMS carriage. Many pieces are being welded to the structure.
- A six day per week, 10 hour per day work schedule has started in order to accelerate progress.
- Mike Fowler - Engineering
- Paulo working on Compton
- Bert is working on SHMS sieve slits
- Dan is working on platform where one accesses the shower counter
- Steve Furches working on SHMS GEM and sieve slits
- Gary working on magnet gas return lines
- Mike is continuing as SOTR
- Engineers are supervising magnet contracts
- Howard - 12 GeV
- An intermediate design review was held for Q2/Q3. The review went well and the vendor is happy to proceed with those magnets
- For the dipole, the vendor will now promise a magnet that will work up to 80% of design current (previous was 60%). This is achieved by putting the conductor with the best properties in the places with the highest stresses.
- Vendor has agreed to measure conductor properties at 4K. Previous tests were done at LN2 temperature.
- We are under pressure to provide a continuous presence at the magnet vendor in France.
- Joe Beaufait
- Changing power strips in racks that were flooded. Should be done this week.
- Bert Manzlak
- Reminder to read an signed the the revised GRWP (SAF801KD). [1]
- A lock out tagout refresher is mandatory for those with that training.
- There were no recordable injuries for June. Everyone is reminded to report even minor injuries and events to medical services.
- Work on corrector magnets and shielding for the Compton beamline
- work on cryo line, detector shield hut and chamber gas lines for SHMS.
- Eric Sun working on dipole FEA
- Paul Brindza will visit Q2/3 vendor this week.
- Joe Beaufait
- Needed to reorder the clamps for the HMS cable tray cover.
- Work on replacing long power strips in damaged racks.