Hall C Weekly Meeting - June 9, 2014
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- SHMS magnets
- HB magnet Helium vessel complete by June 12, NDE inspection to follow.
- Q1 Cryostat OVC assembly. Final Factory tests planned mid July. ETA Jlab ~ Sept 1!
- Dipole Coil #1 about 2/3 wound- wind line down to upgrade rocking motor due to coil weight.
- Dipole coil #2 In VPI mold, vacuum testing tomorrow.
- Quad winding tooling for two lines on order.
- Engineering group work
- Moller 5 coils being reworked at ET-
- Design of New Target cell and loop.
- Design of LCW and Cryo gas lines
- Design for installation for Shield wall support.
- Software for "control screens" for SHMS magnets
- HMS Status
- Q1 and Dipole have run up to max current. QD need adjusting on both
- Q2 and Q3 now turn on but still need work.
- Preparations for testing new SHMS supplies underway.