Hall C Weekly Meeting - March 4, 2013
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- Walter Kellner
- The SOS base frame was removed from the Hall.
- Last bit of SOS rail was removed
- The C-can and platform have been dismounted
- The Hall C crane is still down for repairs. Expected to be back in service this week. In the mean time a crane is being rented from Lockwood
- The groundwater leak in the truck ramp has finally been fixed
- There is still a bad leak near the labyrinth door
- Mike Fowler
- The SHMS rail installation is complete
- The SHMS structure assembly is being sent out for rebidding. This will delay the SHMS structure assembly by a month.
- Joe Beaufait (via email)
- Spoke to engineering group for help with rerouting of G0 patch panel
- G0 water cooled leads found. Are in good enough condition to reuse.
- Clean power water issue reported as resolved by facilities, but Joe has not been able to get a report on what was actually done.
- Paul Brindza
- Design work in progress
- Noble Gas Cerenkov (NGC) done waiting for UVA comments
- Dipole Vacuum spool
- Sieve slit and vacuum spools between HB-Q1
- Moller Quad Coil Spec and Compton
- HMS Data Cable Duct replacement design
- Shield House door opener – motor, transmission, chain drive-mechanical design
- Q1 magnet yoke stacking started at SMI- JLAB visit
- HB magnet helium vessel parts machining and bending
- SHMS DC Power Supplies done ready for Factor Acceptance Test
- Dipole- Preparations for 10 turn 1 meter trial coil
- Bid of steel structure canceled- no qualified small businesses
- Design work in progress
- Bert Manzlak
- Reminds people to check with Walter or Andy before coming into hall