Hall C Weekly Meeting - November 26, 2012
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General Notes
- Hall C meeting was held at 2pm this Monday to accommodate 3pm seminar
- pretty low attendance... people need to read their emails more closely.
- Lehman review starts Tuesday in F113
- non-executive sessions are expected to be open
- Hall C Winter meeting is coming up
- will be 3rd or 4th week of January: either Th/Fr or Fr/Sat
- some preference for Th/Fr if possible
- JLab Physics Holiday party is on Dec 13
- cost is $7/person, talk to Erica
Brindza reports
- Working in progress on:
- Moller/Compton design
- SHMS cryo
- SHMS S2X support stand design required some minor changes
- SHMS noble gas Cherenkov design along with the associated vacuum placeholder
- pressure/leak-test on spectrometer cryo transfer line is to be done soon
- two new power supplies (for SHMS?) have been tested, they received a pass but still some work to be done on them
- SHMS bogie alignment issues/questions being looked into
- ie. establish procedure that will ensure final bogie assemblies pivot about the correct point within necessary tolerances
- SHMS rail installation contract was awarded to Shoreline
- main SHMS welding contract is out for bid now -- associated site visit coming up soon
- SHMS yoke lamination cutting underway
- vacuum impregnation tests on new coils in progress
- so far, so good
- Dave G. suggests that the magnet guys take a look at the Moller quad