Hall C Weekly Meeting - October 15, 2012

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Mary Logue, head of the ES&H division, made a presentation to review safety issues part way through the Long Shutdown. We were reminded to seek medical treatment immediately for injuries requiring more than first aid. Recent safety statistics and incidents were reviewed.

Andy Kenyon reported that the scaffolding in the Hall C truck ramp, installed by facilitiesto fix a leak in the truck ramp has been removed. As a result, the Qweak coils can be removed from the Hall.

Joe Beaufait inspected cables at the patch panel that were flooded. About 100 cables were below the water line and have water in them. He will try to blow dry air through the cables to see if they can be recovered. A vacuum control (damaged in the flood?) was sent out for repair.

Paul Brindza reported that the Yoke steel from China has arrived and is at Kraft for final machining. Soldering of conductor is almost done.