Run plan/To do list - March 1 2017
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Jump to navigationJump to searchTo do list in preparation for running
- General
- Hall lockup scheduled for Friday 3pm
- Beam steer up to the hall on Monday day with SHMS magnets OFF
- target cool down and SHMS magnets ON on Tuesday during beam studies
- HMS magnets should be ON before Monday 8 am
- SHMS - general
- Remove plexiglass protection cover for SHMS HG
- HMS - general
- Remove plexiglass protection cover for HMS DC
- Slide up the guard of the HMS exit vacuum pipe
- Make sure we can open HMS hut doors --> needs work, will check with Joe
- Check with Walter when HMS hut wall goes back on
- HMS aerogel comes out today
- Target chamber alignment tomorrow morning
- HMS will be moved to 15 deg sometime tomorrow after the target alignment work
- SHMS - detectors
- HMS - detectors