SHMS Detector Working Groups (pre-2017)

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SHMS-HMS Detector groups (pre-2017)

For email archives on the SHMS and 12 GeV Upgrade please see the link below SHMS Mailing List ( for information on the SHMS and 12 GeV upgrade in general, one can subscribe to the list or review the list archives.



Current Project

Howard Fenker

JLab, Hall C

12 GeV Assistant Project Manager

Donal Day

University of Virginia

Noble Gas Cerenkov

Dipangkar Dutta

Mississippi State University


Tanja Horn

Catholic University of America

Aerogel Cerenkov

Garth Huber

University of Regina

Heavy Gas Cerenkov

Hamlet Mkrtchyan

NSL (Yerevan)


Eric Christy

Peter Monaghan

Hampton University

Drift Chambers

Ioana Niculescu

James Madison University

Scintillator Hodoscopes

Charles Perdrisat

College of William and Mary

Support Structure

Abdellah Amidouch

Sam Danagoulian

North Carolina A&T

Quartz Hodoscope

Brad Sawatzky

JLab, Hall C

DAQ, Gas system