Wednesday, May 3, 2017
From HallCWiki
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- Location CC L210A, 11 am
- DocDB
Blue Jeans Connection Information
- Just want to dial in on your phone?
- +1.408.740.7256 (US)
- +1.888.240.2560 (US Toll Free)
- +1.408.317.9253 (Alternate number)
- Enter Meeting ID: 895800575
- Press #
- Document on helium limits for PMTs by Dave Mack.
- Triggers required for the upcoming experiments
- Commissioning plan updates from detector systems
- Status update from detector owners, calibrations, efficiencies, etc.
- Review systems owners and update information
- Address system specific points of interest for the Fall 2017 run
- Dave M. showed some slides regarding helium contamination in Hall C and it's effect on PMT's installed in the Hall
- 2.2 and 6.6 GeV is needed for detector, optics, and acceptance checkout during the Fall 2017 commissioning run
- We have 1 week to perform the commissioning
- There is no time to take our time with performing checkouts
- Everything that is required to perform the checkouts needs to be available and planned out prior to commissioning
- We need to develop a plan for measuring the trigger efficiencies
- The trigger/DAQ configuration requirements for the upcoming experiments need to be provided as soon as possible to the trigger/DAQ group
- Preliminary commissioning plans have been requested from each of the individual detector groups by next meeting
Beam Line
- The super harps have been pulled from the Hall to be re-fiducialized
- Dave G. contacted John and Kieth regarding the bug BPMs
- They had the wrong sign during the Spring 2017 KPP run
- This was known since work was being done on the electronics and software side
- The known helium leak in the dump that was discovered during the KPP run is being investigated
- The leak limits the current that can be delivered into the Hall and must be resolved prior to the Fall commissioning run
- The leak cannot be observed now however, the helium flow has just been restored so they will check again after some time has elapsed
- Everything else in the beam line appears to be good to go
- The electronic dead time measurement is currently roughed in although it needs to be checked throughly
- Richard Mohring's thesis was mentioned
6 GeV Drift Chambers
- No update provided
12 GeV Drift Chambers
- Students will become available some time in the next couple of weeks
- Once available, work will resume
- No update provided
- No update provided
Heavy Gas Cherenkov
- No update provided
- No update provided
- No update provided
Nobel Gas Cherenkov
- No update provided
Drift Chambers
- No update provided
- Simona provided a nice update, more details to follow...
Heavy Gas Cherenkov
- No update provided
Aerogel Cerenkov
- No update provided
- No update provided