The run number for the data.
This is usually set on the command line using the alias grun.
The general name of the data file. The basic format is /cache/mss/hallc/[exp]/raw/[exp]_[grun].log.0
Flag= 1 (0) which enables (disables) the creation of a reduced data file. (Usually commented out)
Name for the reduced data file. (Usually commented out)
Name of file which selects the maps, kinematic and parameter files for the run.
Name of master file which defines all the tests.
Name of master file which defines all the histograms.
A flag = 1 (0) to enable (disable) analysis of the trigger
type = trignum, with trignum=1 HMS, =2 SOS, =3 COIN, =4 PED . Alias is gtrig1(2,3,4) .
Flag = 1 (0) which enables (disables) the dumping of the EPICS data to file defined by
Output file for the EPICS data.
Name of file which is
the template for the HMS (h), SOS (s) or general (g) reports.
Name of output file for
the HMS (h), SOS (s) or general (g) reports.
Name of file which is the template for short statistics report
Output filename for short statistics report
Output filename for thresholds
( the run number is appended to the filename) for
hardware sparsification of the HMS and SOS adcs.
Output filename for the
pedestals ( the run number is appended to the filename).
Output filename for paw kumac which can be
used when running paw to define aliases for the histograms.
Output paw hbook filename for histograms define in g_ctp_hist_filename
Output filename for SOS (HMS,COIN)
paw ntuples created by the engine.
The variables which fill the ntuple are defined in the Analysis
subroutine ENGINE/s(h,c)_ntuple_keep.f . Which events fill
the nutples is set in subroutine ENGINE/s(h,c)_keep_results.f .
The names for the variables are defined in the
subroutine ENGINE/s(h,c)_ntuple_init.f .
Output filename for SOS (HMS) ntuples created by the engine. These ntuples
are defined in subroutine ENGINE/s(h)_sv_ntuple_init.f and the variables that get written out is set in
subroutine ENGINE/s(h)_sv_ntuple_keep.f . Which events fill the nutples is set in
subroutine ENGINE/s(h)_keep_results.f .
The purpose of the file
is to have a engine configuration file for a quick replay to only look at scalers. Same as REPLAY.PARM
except that all the gen_run_enable paramaters are set to 0, the report outfiles are set to the directory
charge_scalers, and most other outfiles are commented out so no output is created.
This file defines the histograms to be filled by the
engine. It is the standard default for parameter g_ctp_hist_filename
There are uhist blocks (filled by the user with specific calls in the engine
source code) and hist blocks (which are filled automatically after each event).
If the variable to be histogrammed is registered, you can add a histogram
by adding another line in one of the 'hist' blocks (or adding a new block).
The format is as follows: 'histname,data_source,numbins,lobin,hibin,test'
- test is optional. The other hist files here are included into the main
hist file. NOTE: all histogram and test blocks SHOULD REALLY HAVE the 'group='
flag, which determines when the test/histogram block should be evaluated.
The standard group names (hms,sos,both) correspond to the hardware trigger
types (hms,sos,coin). In order to fill a histogram for ALL hms events, you
need 'group=hms group=both' in the begin line.
This is the lookup table telling what parameter files are
appropriate for a given run. This contains pointers to parameter files
which select the appropriate positions/calibrations for the run. These usually
change only between runs, or when there is a hardware change. Typically this
sets the parameters :
A script to automatically pick the replay analysis code for the specific computer.
The script assumes that the Analyzer directory is parallel to the replay directory so that when the
engine was compiled the Linux or SunOS direcotry is also parallel to the replay directory. You should modify
the script if your Analyzer directory is elsewhere.
To define the environmental variable ENGINE_CONFIG_FILE needed by the engine, at the command line
type:source define_engine_config before doing replay.
Contains files : standard.kinematics:
This is the lookup table
for quantities which vary run to run. Spectrometer angles, momenta, beam
energy, and other such quantities are set here. Note that the engine gets
the kinematics from several source. First, it takes the values in the run
information event (entered when the run began). Next, it overrides these
with any values in the .kinematics file. Therefore, you don't need to have
entries in the kinematics file for a run unless there was an error in the
information typed in at the beginning of the run (or for information not
included in the beginning of run info event). Finally, any command line parameters
are applied, overriding everything else. main.param:
the pedestal output files
generated by the engine. These output files are mainly used when taking data
(the threshold files are used to program the ADC thresholds
for data sparsification). When replaying, these can be used to check
to see if the pedestals changed centroid or width.