replay ctp_variable_name={value}No spaces allowed before or after
Short name | Parameter name | Description |
grun | gen_run_number | run number |
gstart | gen_run_starting_event | starting physics event |
gstop | gen_run_stopping_event | # of physics events to analyze |
gtrig1-4 | gen_run_enable(1-4) | flag=1 (0) then code will (not) analyze triggers. |
replay grun=4000 gstart=3000 gstop=10000 gtrig2=0 hpcentral=1.5 hdebugdumptof=1will analyze run 4000, starting at PHYSICS event 3000, ending after 10000 ANALYZED events, with sos triggers ignored (but not coincidence). In addition, it will set the HMS central momentum (hpcentral) to 1.5 GeV, and turn on time of flight output (hdebugdumptof=1). Command line parameters override values read from the data file or parameter files.