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Replaying data

  1. Before running the engine one needs to define the environmental variable ENGINE_CONFIG_FILE. Typically ENGINE_CONFIG_FILE is set to REPLAY.PARM . Your environmental variable ENGINE_CONFIG_FILE tells replay what file (usually REPLAY.PARM) has the information about the input and output files to use. These can be overridden at the command line. You can set any CTP variable (i.e. anything in one of the fortran common blocks) at the command line in the following manner:
    replay ctp_variable_name={value}
    No spaces allowed before or after $=$ . The following equivalences have been put in the code in order to make life easier for passing command line arguments:

    Short name Parameter name Description
    grun gen_run_number run number
    gstart gen_run_starting_event starting physics event
    gstop gen_run_stopping_event # of physics events to analyze
    gtrig1-4 gen_run_enable(1-4) flag=1 (0) then code will (not) analyze triggers.

    For gtrig1-4 hms=1, sos=2, coin=3 and ped=4 are the trigger types. In addition, kinematics, parameters, and run-time switches can be set at the command line. For example:
    replay grun=4000 gstart=3000 gstop=10000 gtrig2=0 hpcentral=1.5 hdebugdumptof=1
    will analyze run 4000, starting at PHYSICS event 3000, ending after 10000 ANALYZED events, with sos triggers ignored (but not coincidence). In addition, it will set the HMS central momentum (hpcentral) to 1.5 GeV, and turn on time of flight output (hdebugdumptof=1). Command line parameters override values read from the data file or parameter files.

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Mark Jones 2003-03-10