Hall C Document 120-v1

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Post Job Feedback for work done in Hall C Feb 11-Apr 3, 2008

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Submitted by:
Stephen A. Wood
Updated by:
Stephen A. Wood
Document Created:
18 Apr 2008, 15:26
Contents Revised:
18 Apr 2008, 15:26
Metadata Revised:
18 Apr 2008, 15:26
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At the weekly Hall C meeting on April 14, 2008, all staff and users were invited to provide feedback on the safety and efficiency of work done in the Hall during the last down period. These slides were shown to motivate discussion. The last two slides summarize the discussion that happened at the meeting.
Files in Document:
  • PDF File (PostJobReview0408.pdf, 450.9 kB)
Associated with Events:
Weekly Meeting 4/14/08 held on 14 Apr 2008 in F113
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