Hall C Document 1245-v1

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Impact Studies for Hard Exclusive Diphoton Photoproduction at Jefferson Lab (Internship report: Mary Conner, Virginia Tech)

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Submitted by:
Marie Boer
Updated by:
Marie Boer
Document Created:
06 Mar 2024, 14:30
Contents Revised:
06 Mar 2024, 14:30
Metadata Revised:
06 Mar 2024, 14:30
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Hard Exclusive Diphoton Photoproduction is a form of “Deeply Virtual Compton
Scattering”, in which the end state of the reaction is the production of two real photons with a
high invariant mass, and the incoming photon is real. The impact studies discussed in this report
were performed using simulations. These simulations were run using two sets of pseudo-data
both unweighted. Both sets of data use an 11 GeV beam, however in one set the beam produces a
photon pair, and in the other set the beam produces a muon-antimuon pair (for comparisons, as
“background”). In comparing the graphs produced by these two sets of data, we find that the two
sets of data produce near identical distributions in the outgoing diphoton system, which means it
will be difficult to discriminate between signal and background, thus a good particle
identification will be needed.
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