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Studies of Hard Exclusive Light Vector Meson Electroproduction at Medium Energy (author: Seth Stuller)

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Submitted by:
Marie Boer
Updated by:
Marie Boer
Document Created:
06 Mar 2024, 15:17
Contents Revised:
06 Mar 2024, 15:17
Metadata Revised:
06 Mar 2024, 15:17
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Internship report (2023): This semester, I conducted research within the field of Hadronic Physics under the supervision
of Dr. Marie Boër. I worked with the DEEPGen event generator and an analysis code to implement and
produce data for Hard Exclusive Vector Meson Production (VM-HEMP), and the generated events were
analyzed. Our goal is to access Generalized Parton Distributions from the vector mesons, and in
particular use their difference in masses to get a lever arm for tomographic interpretations, i.e. produce
3D images of the nucleon. I worked on implementing the event generator and analyzing the data. My
work involved learning about quantum mechanics, special relativity, particle physics and computing (C++
and ROOT).
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