Hall C Document 37-v1

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Hall C February/March 2008 work plan

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Submitted by:
Stephen A. Wood
Updated by:
Stephen A. Wood
Document Created:
12 Mar 2008, 16:04
Contents Revised:
12 Mar 2008, 16:04
Metadata Revised:
12 Mar 2008, 16:04
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Other Versions:
19 Mar 2008, 10:29
Plan for work done in Hall C between the two running periods for GeP. Includes removal of BigBite to return to Hall A, cryotarget maintenence and setup for test of SANE detectors.
Files in Document:
  • Project File (2008 Feb and March Hall C work Rev.3.mpp, 288.0 kB)
Notes and Changes:
Revision 3. Requires Microsoft Project to view.
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