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Walter Kellner of Jefferson Lab is listed as an author on the following documents:

HallC-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
487-v1 Hall C Installation schedule March - August 2009 Walter Kellner Schedule
6 GeV Experiments
6 GeV Layout
17 Mar 2009
488-v1 Hall C/HKS Safety Stand down meeting, March 20, 2009 Walter Kellner et al. 6 GeV Experiments
6 GeV Layout
23 Mar 2009
152-v3 Hall C Installation schedule June - October 2008 Walter Kellner Schedule
6 GeV Experiments
6 GeV Layout
02 Jul 2008
201-v1 C-08-008-L Offload Three HES/HKS Magnet Boxes Walter Kellner Lift Plans
24 Jun 2008
37-v2 Hall C February/March 2008 work plan Walter Kellner Schedule
19 Mar 2008

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