Hall C Document 488-v1

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Hall C/HKS Safety Stand down meeting, March 20, 2009

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Submitted by:
Stephen A. Wood
Updated by:
Stephen A. Wood
Document Created:
23 Mar 2009, 11:42
Contents Revised:
23 Mar 2009, 11:42
Metadata Revised:
23 Mar 2009, 11:42
Actually Revised:
23 Mar 2009, 11:43
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At 11AM on March 20, 2009, a safety stand down was held in preparation for the installation of the E05-115, the Hall C hypernuclear experiment. The agenda for this meeting was:

Wood: HKS Overview
Wood: Hall C Safety Overview
Spata: HKS Beamline and overview of Acc/Eng work
Kellner: Installation Schedule and Crane safety
Manzlak: JLab safety resources
Wilson: Hand Tool Safety
Vulcan: Electrical Safety

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Safety E05-115 HKS
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