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These documents on Beamline and sub-topics are available:

HallC-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
1236-v4 Sept 2023 BCM Calibrations for NPS Dave Mack Beamline
03 Oct 2023
1225-v1 End of the C line (notes for g2p) Jay Benesch Beamline
12 GeV Layout
30 Jun 2023
1181-v1 Special BCM Calibration Procedure Down to 1 muA Dave Mack Beamline
21 Aug 2022
1162-v1 SEE BPMs Tom Powers Beamline
28 Dec 2021
1161-v1 Functional Description of Algorithms Used in Digital Receivers John Musson Beamline
28 Dec 2021
957-v17 BCM calibration procedure for Fall '21 run Dave Mack Beamline
19 Nov 2021
1116-v2 Positron Beams at Jefferson Lab - Status Report Joe Grames Positron
12 Mar 2021
1042-v1 Final BCM calibrations for Fall '18 thru Spring '19 Dave Mack Beamline
12 GeV Experiments
04 Mar 2020
968-v15 Misc BCM docs for the Winter17-Spring18 Run Dave Mack Beamline
12 GeV Layout
07 Feb 2019
996-v1 Hall A Moller update Nov18 Simona P Malace Beamline
12 Nov 2018
964-v1 Unser Monitor Doc Stephen A. Wood 6 GeV Layout
12 GeV Layout
14 Mar 2018
956-v1 Initial look at Hall C energy measurments Mark Jones Beamline
12 GeV Experiments
20 Feb 2018
835-v1 Instructions for simple replay of Hall C raster data Mark Jones Beamline
04 Mar 2017
798-v1 Moeller Polarimeter Raster System Chen Yan Beamline
02 Aug 2016
792-v1 Hall A BCM Infrastructure July 2015 Dave Mack 12 GeV Layout
21 Jul 2015
750-v1 Moller Solenoid Manual (2001) None Moller
18 Dec 2012
694-v1 Qweak RC report for Mar 23 -- 30, 2011 Brad Sawatzky Beamline
RC reports
6 GeV Experiments
18 Apr 2011
667-v1 Hall-C 12GeV Configuration Perspective Rendering Mike Fowler 12 GeV Layout
General Information
12 GeV Experiments
12 GeV Figures
19 Apr 2010
593-v1 Songsheet for Hall C beamline during HKS09 Stephen A. Wood 6 GeV Layout
6 GeV Experiments
11 Sep 2009
487-v1 Hall C Installation schedule March - August 2009 Walter Kellner 6 GeV Layout
6 GeV Experiments
17 Mar 2009
488-v1 Hall C/HKS Safety Stand down meeting, March 20, 2009 Walter Kellner et al. 6 GeV Layout
6 GeV Experiments
23 Mar 2009
250-v1 Moller Polarimeter Startup Checklist Dave Gaskell Moller
20 Oct 2008
152-v3 Hall C Installation schedule June - October 2008 Walter Kellner 6 GeV Layout
6 GeV Experiments
02 Jul 2008
124-v1 Qweak Detector Status Dave Mack 12 GeV Layout
6 GeV Figures
6 GeV Experiments
25 Apr 2008
36-v1 THA for Beryllium Window Change Andy Kenyon Beamline
6 GeV Experiments
04 Mar 2008

Number of documents found: 25

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