Hall C Document 1042-v1

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Final BCM calibrations for Fall '18 thru Spring '19

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Submitted by:
Dave Mack
Updated by:
Dave Mack
Document Created:
03 Mar 2020, 15:15
Contents Revised:
03 Mar 2020, 15:15
Metadata Revised:
04 Mar 2020, 09:40
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Fall '18 had two bcm calibrations and gains were stable, thus I am able to assign a 0.5% uncertainty on BCM1 charge. Spring '19 had only one bcm calibration near the end of the run cycle and calibrations had drifted over the intervening 4+ months, so I'm conservatively assigning a 1% uncertainty to Spring '19 normalization with BCM1.(The uncertainty in the pi-/pi+ ratio will be smaller.) Continued feedback from CSV and J/Psi etc is welcome.
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