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These documents on Hall C at 12 GeV and sub-topics are available:

HallC-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
1256-v1 Aug 2022 BCM calibrations for PionLT Dave Mack Physics
12 GeV Experiments
15 Apr 2024
1244-v1 Cross-section Ratio Predictions for Boron Isotopes Abhyuday Sharda Physics
12 GeV Experiments
21 Feb 2024
1222-v2 NPS PMT Base Irradiation Test Vladimir Berdnikov et al. Physics
12 GeV Experiments
22 Sep 2023
1233-v1 Hall C User group By-laws Mark Jones Physics
24 Aug 2023
1227-v1 Charge symmetric background studies Marie Boer Analysis
12 GeV Experiments
14 Jul 2023
1032-v1 Hall C General Analysis Procedure: First Steps Carlos Yero Detectors
12 GeV Experiments
07 Jul 2023
1224-v1 Studies of Hard Exclusive Diphoton Photoproduction to Access the Generalized Parton Distributions (Data Analysis for 8.5 GeV Beam) Marie Boer CPS
12 GeV Experiments
28 Jun 2023
1221-v3 Tool for estimating errors in the charged current axial FF measurement Dave Mack Physics
12 GeV Experiments
13 Jun 2023
1204-v2 Measuring the Neutron Spin Asymmetry A1n in the Valence Quark Region in Hall C at Jefferson Lab Melanie Rehfuss Physics
12 GeV Experiments
05 Jun 2023
1182-v1 PolHe3 target polarization documentation for 2019-20 A1n and d2n experiments Todd Averett et al. Target
12 GeV Experiments
30 May 2023
1189-v2 Hall C Futures White Paper Dave Mack Physics
12 GeV Experiments
23 Sep 2022
1175-v2 FADC firmware update Mark Jones 12 GeV Experiments
23 Jun 2022
1173-v2 Extraction of Deep Inelastic Cross Sections Using a 10.4 GeV Electron Beam and a Polarized Helium-3 Target Murchhana Roy Physics
12 GeV Experiments
07 Jun 2022
1152-v1 Draft document on the Sept 2021 Hall c target Mark Jones Target
12 GeV Experiments
24 Feb 2022
1148-v1 Etude de la structure du proton avec la Diffusion Compton Profondément Virtuelle "genre temps" sur le proton et sur le neutron (stage d'été) Marie Boer CPS
12 GeV Experiments
12 Aug 2021
1147-v1 Etude de la structure du proton avec la Diffusion Compton Profondément Virtuelle "genre temps" Marie Boer CPS
12 GeV Experiments
12 Aug 2021
1146-v1 Single and Double Spin asymmetries in Timelike Compton Scattering for a transversely polarized proton and a circularly polarized photon beam Marie Boer Computing
12 GeV Experiments
12 Aug 2021
1110-v2 Non-obvious sources of deadtime in our nominally deadtime-less hodo trigger Dave Mack Detectors
02 Mar 2021
1033-v1 Optics Optimization for the D(e,e'p)n Experiment [E12-10-003] Carlos Yero SHMS R&D
12 GeV Experiments
18 Sep 2020
1093-v1 Talk on dummy subtraction in inclusive experiments Debaditya Biswas Physics
12 GeV Experiments
03 Sep 2020
1082-v1 PhD Dissertation: Carlos Yero Carlos Yero Physics
12 GeV Experiments
26 Aug 2020
1052-v1 Stuff - malace Simona P Malace SHMS R&D
12 GeV Experiments
05 May 2020
1051-v1 Simona's analysis notes 2 Simona P Malace SHMS R&D
12 GeV Experiments
28 Apr 2020
1050-v1 Eric Fuchey's slides for April 20, 2020 Stephen A. Wood 12 GeV Experiments
19 Apr 2020
1048-v1 Tyler's slides for April 14, 2020, talk Stephen A. Wood 12 GeV Experiments
13 Apr 2020
1047-v1 Carlos's April 13, 2020, slides Stephen A. Wood 12 GeV Experiments
12 Apr 2020
1042-v1 Final BCM calibrations for Fall '18 thru Spring '19 Dave Mack Beamline
12 GeV Experiments
04 Mar 2020
1037-v1 Final BCM Calibrations for Summer '19 Dave Mack Physics
12 GeV Experiments
04 Mar 2020
965-v1 Misc HMS Gas Cerenkov Burle 8854 PMT and Base Documents Stephen A. Wood Detectors
6 GeV Experiments
12 GeV Experiments
16 Dec 2019
1038-v1 Simona's stuff on calo Simona P Malace Physics
30 Oct 2019
1034-v2 A closer look at long term stability of BCM1,2 for Fall '18 thru Summer '19 Dave Mack 12 GeV Experiments
12 Sep 2019
1035-v1 Simulations of Deep Exclusive pi0, eta, rho, omega, eta', phi Meson Production Michael Hladun Physics
12 GeV Experiments
20 Aug 2019
1031-v1 TDIS Streaming Readout Prototype Eric Pooser DAQ
12 GeV Experiments
09 Jul 2019
1025-v1 Ko's NPS talk at MENU Ho San Ko Detectors
12 GeV Experiments
10 Jun 2019
1024-v1 HMS/SHMS DC calibration and alignment Hem Bhatt Physics
12 GeV Experiments
30 May 2019
1019-v1 Comparing tune spring18 and nominal at -5.9 and -7 GeV (SHMS) Holly Szumila-Vance Optics
12 GeV Experiments
21 Mar 2019
1013-v1 Presentation on Timing windows for HMS/SHMS detectors Hem Bhatt Physics
12 GeV Experiments
21 Feb 2019
1011-v3 Update to HCANA cointime code Mark Jones Physics
12 GeV Experiments
17 Feb 2019
1009-v1 Positron background study for Jpsi Mark Jones Physics
12 GeV Experiments
15 Feb 2019
1007-v1 Notes on the SHMS optics in the 2017-18 run period Holly Szumila-Vance Magnets
12 GeV Experiments
12 Feb 2019
1006-v1 Hall-C Bremsstrahlung Radiator Greg R Smith Physics
12 GeV Experiments
29 Jan 2019
1005-v2 Hall C Software: Status and Outlook Eric Pooser Computing
12 GeV Experiments
28 Jan 2019
1000-v1 DEEPGen: an event generator framework to study polarized Deep Exclusive Electro- and Photo-production processes Marie Boer Computing
12 GeV Experiments
06 Jan 2019
999-v1 Extraction of Compton Form Factors with combined fits of Timelike and Spacelike Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering Marie Boer Computing
12 GeV Experiments
06 Jan 2019
998-v2 Commissioning the HMS optics in the 2017-2018 run period Holly Szumila-Vance Optics
12 GeV Experiments
04 Dec 2018
975-v2 Lumi scan prediction for the 0.5% carbon target Silviu Covrig Detectors
12 GeV Experiments
11 Jul 2018
956-v1 Initial look at Hall C energy measurments Mark Jones Beamline
12 GeV Experiments
20 Feb 2018
953-v1 F2 run plan - shms Simona P Malace Physics
12 GeV Experiments
14 Feb 2018
946-v1 Backward Angle Omega Meson Electroproduction Garth Huber et al. Presentations
6 GeV Experiments
22 Jan 2018
944-v1 Fall 2017 Commissioning Trigger Studies Eric Pooser Physics
12 GeV Experiments
10 Jan 2018
938-v1 Status of HMS/SHMS Calo, SHMS Aerogel and HMS Cerenkov for Dec 17 2017 Hamlet Mkrtchyan Presentations
12 GeV Experiments
12 GeV Figures
15 Dec 2017
919-v1 Domcuments for Nov 3rd Heepcheck meeting Mark Jones Miscellaneous
12 GeV Experiments
21 Nov 2017
905-v1 6 GeV Online Monitoring Example Dave Gaskell 6 GeV Experiments
19 Oct 2017
883-v1 Checking Keithley Current Source with Newly Calibrated Multimeter Deepak Bhetuwal et al. Physics
12 GeV Experiments
28 Aug 2017
867-v2 Extraction of Inclusive Cross Sections Eric Christy Physics
6 GeV Experiments
12 GeV Experiments
27 Jun 2017
850-v2 SHMS quartz plane: beam data analysis Simona P Malace SHMS R&D
03 Apr 2017
788-v1 Summary/Notes from Hall C GEn (E12-11-009) Collaboration Meeting Aug 2014 Brad Sawatzky 12 GeV Experiments
05 Sep 2014
784-v1 Brief GEn overview Michael Kohl 12 GeV Experiments
25 Aug 2014
787-v1 GEn Draft Charter Discussion Michael Kohl 12 GeV Experiments
25 Aug 2014
786-v1 GEn Business Meeting Brad Sawatzky 12 GeV Experiments
25 Aug 2014
785-v1 GEn Magnet Layout / DAQ / Polarimeter Update Brad Sawatzky 12 GeV Experiments
25 Aug 2014
783-v1 E12-11-009 Charter (Draft 21 Aug 2014) Michael Kohl 12 GeV Experiments
25 Aug 2014
782-v1 Detector ToF/Resolution measurements & First work on new GEANT4 simulation William Tireman 12 GeV Experiments
24 Aug 2014
773-v1 TECHNICAL NOTE: pi-/pi+ Separated Response Functions Ratios in Forward Pion Electroproduction on Deuterium at Q^2=0.6-2.45 GeV^2 and -t=0.1-0.4 GeV^2 Cornel Butuceanu et al. Physics
6 GeV Experiments
23 Jan 2014
766-v1 Meeting Notes Brad Sawatzky Minutes
12 GeV Experiments
07 Nov 2013
763-v2 Scintillator requirements -- Anderson Bryon Anderson 12 GeV Experiments
22 Oct 2013
764-v1 Business Meeting Michael Kohl 12 GeV Experiments
22 Oct 2013
762-v1 GeN experiment review Michael Kohl 12 GeV Experiments
22 Oct 2013
761-v1 Hall C Update Stephen A. Wood 12 GeV Experiments
22 Oct 2013
760-v1 GeN Neutron Polarimeter Update Andrei Semenov Physics
12 GeV Experiments
22 Oct 2013
759-v1 GeN Magnet, Target, DAQ, etc. Brad Sawatzky Physics
12 GeV Experiments
21 Oct 2013
758-v1 Scintillator developement -- Tireman (NMU) William Tireman Physics
12 GeV Experiments
21 Oct 2013
718-v1 Update of the experimental design for GEn Andrei Semenov 12 GeV Experiments
16 Oct 2013
757-v1 Hall C Recent Results and 12 Gev Opportunities Dave Mack 12 GeV Experiments
28 Aug 2013
753-v1 Asymmetry Analysis Update None 6 GeV Experiments
09 Feb 2013
752-v1 He3 Target Analysis Update None Target
6 GeV Experiments
09 Feb 2013
751-v1 C++ POLRAD, Radiative Corrections and LHRS cross sections David Flay 6 GeV Experiments
01 Feb 2013
732-v1 Simulation Status Vahe Mamyan 6 GeV Experiments
23 May 2012
729-v2 Review of A1-He3, A1n results Diana Parno 6 GeV Experiments
23 May 2012
730-v2 LHRS Update David Flay 6 GeV Experiments
23 May 2012
728-v2 Target Update Matt Posik 6 GeV Experiments
23 May 2012
731-v2 BigBite Update Matt Posik 6 GeV Experiments
23 May 2012
720-v2 Data acquision electonics and software options for GEn Brad Sawatzky 12 GeV Experiments
20 Feb 2012
717-v2 Review and update of the Scientific Motivation for GEn measurements John Arrington et al. 12 GeV Experiments
17 Feb 2012
719-v1 Neutron and Veto detector status and front-end electronics for 12 GeV GEn None 12 GeV Experiments
16 Feb 2012
694-v1 Qweak RC report for Mar 23 -- 30, 2011 Brad Sawatzky RC reports
6 GeV Experiments
18 Apr 2011
690-v1 Qweak RC report for Nov 3--10, 2010 Brad Sawatzky RC reports
6 GeV Experiments
25 Jan 2011
682-v1 Exclusive pi0 and eta electro-production at high Q2 in the resonance region Mark Jones 6 GeV Experiments
6 GeV Figures
19 Nov 2010
667-v1 Hall-C 12GeV Configuration Perspective Rendering Mike Fowler General Information
12 GeV Layout
12 GeV Experiments
12 GeV Figures
19 Apr 2010
593-v1 Songsheet for Hall C beamline during HKS09 Stephen A. Wood 6 GeV Layout
6 GeV Experiments
11 Sep 2009
553-v1 Hall C Opportunies at 12 GeV Dave Mack 12 GeV Experiments
04 Aug 2009
487-v1 Hall C Installation schedule March - August 2009 Walter Kellner 6 GeV Layout
6 GeV Experiments
17 Mar 2009
488-v1 Hall C/HKS Safety Stand down meeting, March 20, 2009 Walter Kellner et al. 6 GeV Layout
6 GeV Experiments
23 Mar 2009
357-v1 The Time Reversal Experiment with Kaons (TREK) at J-PARC Michael Kohl Physics
29 Oct 2008
356-v1 Nucleon Form Factors from BLAST Michael Kohl Physics
29 Oct 2008
355-v1 Report from SPIN08 Michael Kohl Physics
27 Oct 2008
152-v3 Hall C Installation schedule June - October 2008 Walter Kellner 6 GeV Layout
6 GeV Experiments
02 Jul 2008
8-v3 Measurement of the Charged Pion Form Factor at High Q2 Garth Huber et al. 12 GeV Experiments
23 May 2008
146-v1 Proton Compton Scattering in the Wide-angle Regime David Hamilton 6 GeV Experiments
12 May 2008
129-v1 High Precision Hypernuclear Spectroscopy in JLab: The HKS Experiment Lulin Yuan 6 GeV Experiments
6 GeV Figures
30 Apr 2008
128-v1 GEp-III in Hall C Andrew Puckett 6 GeV Experiments
6 GeV Figures
30 Apr 2008
127-v1 Pi- / Pi+ Separated Response Function Ratios in Forward Pion Electroproduction Cornel Butuceanu 6 GeV Experiments
6 GeV Figures
30 Apr 2008
122-v1 GEp-2gamma experiement and the new Hall C Focal Plane Polarimeter (FPP) Mehdi Meziane Detectors
6 GeV Experiments
25 Apr 2008
124-v1 Qweak Detector Status Dave Mack 6 GeV Experiments
12 GeV Layout
6 GeV Figures
25 Apr 2008
123-v1 Proton Form Factor ratio GEp/GMp with polarization method Wei Lou 6 GeV Experiments
24 Apr 2008
121-v1 Nucleon form factors in the space-like region Mark Jones 6 GeV Experiments
6 GeV Figures
24 Apr 2008
36-v1 THA for Beryllium Window Change Andy Kenyon Beamline
6 GeV Experiments
04 Mar 2008
7-v2 Scaling Study of the L-T Separated Pion Electroproduction Cross Section at 11 GeV Tanja Horn 12 GeV Experiments
28 Feb 2008
9-v1 Measurement of the Ratio R=sigL/sigT in Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Scattering Rolf Ent 12 GeV Experiments
28 Feb 2008
10-v1 Inclusive Scattering from Nuclei at x>1 in the quasielastic and DIS region John Arrington 12 GeV Experiments
28 Feb 2008
11-v2 A precision Measurement of the Neutron g2 and d2 at high Q2 in Hall C Brad Sawatzky 12 GeV Experiments
28 Feb 2008

Number of documents found: 111

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