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Extraction of Compton Form Factors with combined fits of Timelike and Spacelike Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering

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Submitted by:
Marie Boer
Updated by:
Marie Boer
Document Created:
06 Jan 2019, 17:44
Contents Revised:
06 Jan 2019, 17:44
Metadata Revised:
06 Jan 2019, 17:44
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Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering (DVCS) and Timelike Compton Scattering (TCS) consist of the scattering of photons off a quark in the nucleon. These reactions are sensitive to the Generalized Parton Distribution (GPDs) which contain the information on the transverse position and on the longitudinal momentum distributions of the quarks. The GPD function actually extractable from experiments are the Compton Form Factors (CFFs), which are integrals of GPDs ot the GPDs at specific point. In this note, we report on the simulations that we have carried out to estimate with which sensitivity one can extract the CFFs from experimental
data from the combined or separate analysis of various DVCS and TCS observables. Our work is done for typical Jefferson Lab. 12 GeV kinematics, where several DVCS and TCS experiments are planned in the near future.
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Notes and Changes:
Physics note on Compton Form Factor extraction method and results, using DVCS and TCS pseudo-data
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