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These documents on 6 GeV Figures (subtopic of Presentations) are available:

HallC-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
683-v1 Proton polarization measurements in pi0 photo-production Mark Jones 6 GeV Figures
19 Nov 2010
682-v1 Exclusive pi0 and eta electro-production at high Q2 in the resonance region Mark Jones 6 GeV Figures
6 GeV Experiments
19 Nov 2010
129-v1 High Precision Hypernuclear Spectroscopy in JLab: The HKS Experiment Lulin Yuan 6 GeV Figures
6 GeV Experiments
30 Apr 2008
128-v1 GEp-III in Hall C Andrew Puckett 6 GeV Figures
6 GeV Experiments
30 Apr 2008
127-v1 Pi- / Pi+ Separated Response Function Ratios in Forward Pion Electroproduction Cornel Butuceanu 6 GeV Figures
6 GeV Experiments
30 Apr 2008
124-v1 Qweak Detector Status Dave Mack 6 GeV Figures
12 GeV Layout
6 GeV Experiments
25 Apr 2008
121-v1 Nucleon form factors in the space-like region Mark Jones 6 GeV Figures
6 GeV Experiments
24 Apr 2008

Number of documents found: 7

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