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These documents on 6 GeV Experiments (subtopic of Physics) are available:
(List events on 6 GeV Experiments)

HallC-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
965-v1 Misc HMS Gas Cerenkov Burle 8854 PMT and Base Documents Stephen A. Wood Detectors
12 GeV Experiments
6 GeV Experiments
16 Dec 2019
946-v1 Backward Angle Omega Meson Electroproduction Garth Huber et al. Presentations
6 GeV Experiments
22 Jan 2018
905-v1 6 GeV Online Monitoring Example Dave Gaskell 6 GeV Experiments
19 Oct 2017
867-v2 Extraction of Inclusive Cross Sections Eric Christy 12 GeV Experiments
6 GeV Experiments
27 Jun 2017
773-v1 TECHNICAL NOTE: pi-/pi+ Separated Response Functions Ratios in Forward Pion Electroproduction on Deuterium at Q^2=0.6-2.45 GeV^2 and -t=0.1-0.4 GeV^2 Cornel Butuceanu et al. Physics
6 GeV Experiments
23 Jan 2014
753-v1 Asymmetry Analysis Update None 6 GeV Experiments
09 Feb 2013
752-v1 He3 Target Analysis Update None 6 GeV Experiments
09 Feb 2013
751-v1 C++ POLRAD, Radiative Corrections and LHRS cross sections David Flay Miscellaneous
6 GeV Experiments
01 Feb 2013
732-v1 Simulation Status Vahe Mamyan 6 GeV Experiments
23 May 2012
729-v2 Review of A1-He3, A1n results Diana Parno 6 GeV Experiments
23 May 2012
730-v2 LHRS Update David Flay 6 GeV Experiments
23 May 2012
728-v2 Target Update Matt Posik 6 GeV Experiments
23 May 2012
731-v2 BigBite Update Matt Posik 6 GeV Experiments
23 May 2012
694-v1 Qweak RC report for Mar 23 -- 30, 2011 Brad Sawatzky Beamline
RC reports
6 GeV Experiments
18 Apr 2011
690-v1 Qweak RC report for Nov 3--10, 2010 Brad Sawatzky RC reports
6 GeV Experiments
25 Jan 2011
682-v1 Exclusive pi0 and eta electro-production at high Q2 in the resonance region Mark Jones 6 GeV Figures
6 GeV Experiments
19 Nov 2010
593-v1 Songsheet for Hall C beamline during HKS09 Stephen A. Wood 6 GeV Layout
6 GeV Experiments
11 Sep 2009
487-v1 Hall C Installation schedule March - August 2009 Walter Kellner 6 GeV Layout
6 GeV Experiments
17 Mar 2009
488-v1 Hall C/HKS Safety Stand down meeting, March 20, 2009 Walter Kellner et al. 6 GeV Layout
6 GeV Experiments
23 Mar 2009
152-v3 Hall C Installation schedule June - October 2008 Walter Kellner 6 GeV Layout
6 GeV Experiments
02 Jul 2008
146-v1 Proton Compton Scattering in the Wide-angle Regime David Hamilton 6 GeV Experiments
12 May 2008
129-v1 High Precision Hypernuclear Spectroscopy in JLab: The HKS Experiment Lulin Yuan 6 GeV Figures
6 GeV Experiments
30 Apr 2008
128-v1 GEp-III in Hall C Andrew Puckett 6 GeV Figures
6 GeV Experiments
30 Apr 2008
127-v1 Pi- / Pi+ Separated Response Function Ratios in Forward Pion Electroproduction Cornel Butuceanu 6 GeV Figures
6 GeV Experiments
30 Apr 2008
122-v1 GEp-2gamma experiement and the new Hall C Focal Plane Polarimeter (FPP) Mehdi Meziane Detectors
6 GeV Experiments
25 Apr 2008
124-v1 Qweak Detector Status Dave Mack 12 GeV Layout
6 GeV Figures
6 GeV Experiments
25 Apr 2008
123-v1 Proton Form Factor ratio GEp/GMp with polarization method Wei Lou 6 GeV Experiments
24 Apr 2008
121-v1 Nucleon form factors in the space-like region Mark Jones 6 GeV Figures
6 GeV Experiments
24 Apr 2008
36-v1 THA for Beryllium Window Change Andy Kenyon Beamline
6 GeV Experiments
04 Mar 2008

Number of documents found: 29

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