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Dave Mack of Jefferson Lab is listed as an author on the following documents:

HallC-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
1256-v1 Aug 2022 BCM calibrations for PionLT Dave Mack 12 GeV Experiments
15 Apr 2024
1236-v4 Sept 2023 BCM Calibrations for NPS Dave Mack Beamline
03 Oct 2023
1222-v2 NPS PMT Base Irradiation Test Vladimir Berdnikov et al. 12 GeV Experiments
22 Sep 2023
1221-v3 Tool for estimating errors in the charged current axial FF measurement Dave Mack 12 GeV Experiments
13 Jun 2023
1189-v2 Hall C Futures White Paper Dave Mack 12 GeV Experiments
23 Sep 2022
1181-v1 Special BCM Calibration Procedure Down to 1 muA Dave Mack Beamline
21 Aug 2022
1180-v1 July 28, 2022, Update for EIC-related generic detector R&D Program Dave Mack Miscellaneous
31 Jul 2022
1003-v2 Misc SHMS NGC ET9823B PMT and Base Documents Dave Mack Detectors
03 May 2022
957-v17 BCM calibration procedure for Fall '21 run Dave Mack Beamline
19 Nov 2021
1145-v3 HMS magnets study with new power supplies Mark Jones et al. Magnets
16 Aug 2021
848-v12 Misc (S)HMS (pre)Shower XP3462 PMT and Base Documents Dave Mack Detectors
31 Jul 2021
1110-v2 Non-obvious sources of deadtime in our nominally deadtime-less hodo trigger Dave Mack SHMS R&D
02 Mar 2021
1096-v2 Final Systematic Error Analysis of HMS Scaler-based Fall '18 Boiling Slopes Dave Mack Detectors
09 Nov 2020
1063-v2 Combinatorics in Estimating Hodo 3of4 Trigger Livetime Dave Mack Detectors
11 Jun 2020
1042-v1 Final BCM calibrations for Fall '18 thru Spring '19 Dave Mack 12 GeV Experiments
04 Mar 2020
1037-v1 Final BCM Calibrations for Summer '19 Dave Mack 12 GeV Experiments
04 Mar 2020
1001-v2 Correction for Non-Poissonian Bias in the EDTM Live Time in Unbuffered Mode Dave Mack Analysis
20 Sep 2019
1034-v2 A closer look at long term stability of BCM1,2 for Fall '18 thru Summer '19 Dave Mack 12 GeV Experiments
12 Sep 2019
1014-v1 Radiator OUT vs IN comparisons in J/Psi Dave Mack Detectors
21 Feb 2019
1010-v1 Ken Law's video of the HMS Q2 power supply waterfall Dave Mack Miscellaneous
17 Feb 2019
968-v15 Misc BCM docs for the Winter17-Spring18 Run Dave Mack Beamline
12 GeV Layout
07 Feb 2019
958-v1 Flux Capacitor Calibration Update Dave Mack Miscellaneous
23 Feb 2018
950-v3 What can we learn from a snapshot of SHMS Rates? (Jan 2018, C(e,e'p) data) Dave Mack Detectors
02 Feb 2018
948-v3 Coincidence time resolution expectations compared to Latif's January 2018 fits Dave Mack Detectors
30 Jan 2018
887-v1 Precision Scaling of Spectrometer Tunes Dave Mack Optics
06 Sep 2017
883-v1 Checking Keithley Current Source with Newly Calibrated Multimeter Deepak Bhetuwal et al. 12 GeV Experiments
28 Aug 2017
880-v1 Status of Single Point Hall Probe Measurements in SHMS Q2 Dave Mack Magnets
26 Jul 2017
876-v2 Summer 2017 SHMS magnet studies by Sam Murri et al Dave Mack Optics
28 Jun 2017
854-v5 How Well Do We have to Control Helium Levels to Protect PMT's? Dave Mack Detectors
05 May 2017
805-v3 Misc SHMS Quartz Hodoscope ET9814QB PMT and Base Documents Dave Mack Detectors
24 Feb 2017
797-v3 Misc SHMS Scintillator Hodoscope ET9214B PMT and Base Documents Dave Mack Detectors
24 Feb 2017
791-v7 Misc HMS/SHMS Scintillator Hodoscope XP2262 PMT and Base Documents Dave Mack Detectors
24 Feb 2017
799-v1 Qweak Quartz Cerenkov Prototype Test from 2004 Dave Mack Detectors
03 Aug 2016
792-v1 Hall A BCM Infrastructure July 2015 Dave Mack 12 GeV Layout
21 Jul 2015
789-v2 Simulation of a Large Beam Spot in a 15cm Cryotarget Cell Dave Mack Target
27 Jan 2015
781-v2 Hall C 12 GeV Upgrade Dave Mack 12 GeV Project
28 Jul 2014
757-v1 Hall C Recent Results and 12 Gev Opportunities Dave Mack 12 GeV Experiments
28 Aug 2013
553-v1 Hall C Opportunies at 12 GeV Dave Mack 12 GeV Experiments
04 Aug 2009
124-v1 Qweak Detector Status Dave Mack 6 GeV Experiments
6 GeV Figures
12 GeV Layout
25 Apr 2008

Number of documents found: 39

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