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These documents on 12 GeV Project and sub-topics are available:

HallC-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
1088-v1 Keep Simona P Malace 12 GeV Project
25 Aug 2020
1084-v1 scraping Simona P Malace 12 GeV Project
13 Aug 2020
933-v1 Preliminary Design Report for the SHMS Noble Gas Cerenkov Donal Day Detectors
12 GeV Project
06 Dec 2017
847-v1 Hall C KPP Slides Howard Fenker et al. SHMS R&D
12 GeV Reviews
12 GeV Project
23 Mar 2017
781-v2 Hall C 12 GeV Upgrade Dave Mack 12 GeV Project
28 Jul 2014
696-v1 SHMS Detectors Progress Report, June 1, 2011 Abdellah Ahmidouch et al. Detectors
12 GeV Project
01 Jun 2011
667-v1 Hall-C 12GeV Configuration Perspective Rendering Mike Fowler General Information
12 GeV Layout
12 GeV Experiments
12 GeV Figures
19 Apr 2010
554-v1 SHMS Status and Overview Howard Fenker General Information
12 GeV Figures
10 Aug 2009

Number of documents found: 8

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