Hall C Document 1145-v3

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HMS magnets study with new power supplies

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Submitted by:
Mark Jones
Updated by:
Mark Jones
Document Created:
25 Jul 2021, 11:11
Contents Revised:
16 Aug 2021, 19:13
Metadata Revised:
16 Aug 2021, 19:16
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16 Aug 2021, 19:07
25 Jul 2021, 11:11
Brief summary of the analysis with plots. (Many more plots in the Excel file.)
Scan of the HMS magnets at 5.5, 4, 2.5 , 1. ,0.5,0.25,0.125 was taken on July 21 2021 with the new HMS power supplies in both polarities. Spreadsheet of data taken on July 21, 2021 is included.
Spreadsheet of old data taken in 2018 and 2019 is included.
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